i pieced together a simple system for a friend of mine and installed everything, only thing left to do is make the box and slap it in there! we both a totall newbs at sub enclosures and already failed miserably at making one for this sub (long story short, it turned out to be a fart box. box is sub forward port back which makes it interchangeable in positions 5 ways which we like a lot) so i need you guys to help us out on a box design/specs, i dont wanna be pushy but we need the specs by tomorrow because he really wants to build a box thats right and hear his sub how it should be already. hes a carpenter so the woodworking skills and tools are all here and ready. the max space we have to work with is 20" wide 18" deep and 18" high. Getting a amp that can do 400-500 at 4 ohms and 1000+ at 1 ohm (hifonics brz1200.1). well be at rms power for the sub and more so im thinking .65-.8 tuned to whatever is the most musical, 32-35hz? i was told to not go over 12sq inches of port area? well use any nice box specs that you can come up with as long as it stays within our goals. idk how you guys come up with your specs but if u want just use the re calc (if its accurate), that way you can just list the numbers here and i can type it in myself and get the dimensions for the wood cuts. the truck is a extra cab 2008 f-150. not enough space to fit a enclosure under the seats so pls dont suggest that. the 2 spots in these pics below are the only ones that he wants his sub, he has kids and uses his truck for work. also trying to avoid a "sub up" design, just so it doesnt get damaged as easy. here is the spot where he doesnt mind the sub/box being (seat is not in box ready position) now u can see here that with it open it frees up some box space here is a top pov directly behind the center console was our original idea but we decided against it because of size restrictions, were still open to using this spot if a box in our desired specs can fit there. i appreciate the help and i know he does too. he told me to tell all of you thank you for all of your input and help with this build.