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New bass gain control wire????

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Hey i have a sundown Saz-1000D amp and my dog chewed through my bass gain control wire. I just wanted to check if there was a certain type of replacement wire i should get or if it didn't have to be the same exact wire. and where do you get those wires? thanks for the help

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Hey i have a sundown Saz-1000D amp and my dog chewed through my bass gain control wire. I just wanted to check if there was a certain type of replacement wire i should get or if it didn't have to be the same exact wire. and where do you get those wires? thanks for the help

It's just telephone wire (RJ11)

For instance: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812200429&cm_re=rj11-_-12-200-429-_-Product

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good looking. ya i wasnt sure just wanted to check and make sure it wasnt a specific wire

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