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HELP!!! Problems with sa-8 d2 install

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I pieced together a simple system for my friend, 2008 F-150 Ex-Cab. I installed everything which is.. Pioneer deh-p7200hd, 4 gauge amp kit, Kicker kx400.1 and today we built a box for the brand new sa-8 which is 14 width 13 height 14 depth. port is 12.5 width 1.5 height...after sub and port displacement its supposed to be .821 tuned at 34hz. I have it wired to 1 ohm.

Well heres the PROBLEM. It sounds bad and should be 10x louder and lower. A friend of mine has a single sa-8 in a 1.0 cube box tuned to 34hz on 50watts and it SLAMS in his hatchback and its even 10x louder and lower in his piece of shit suzuki samurai so i know there has to be something wrong with the box specs we used.

I am a noob at building boxes and my friend is too but hes a carpenter so the woodworking and tool skills were there when building the box, but the box building experience was not.

Anyone know what the problem or problems could be? The auto turn on switch is at 12v (has 12v, DC and Audio) and the input button is on low (not pushed in) on the amp. The audio settings on the deck are basically the same as they are on mine (880prs) so i know the settings aren't off. Wiring is how it should be (amp and sub). Its gotta be the box, right?

Edited by braapboogcafish

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Make sure the subs are wired correctly and not out of phase.

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funny u said that because i just got done wiring it to 4 ohms because i made the mistake of thinking the amp was 1 ohm stable. ive been really stressed out this week so i think when i was reading the amp specs i had a brain fart when i seen "400x1" and it made me think 400 at 1 ohm at the time.

it got a little louder and u can hear the lows a little bit better, the main thing noticable was it sounds how it should sound musically.. but still its not anywhere near what it should be. im still thinking the box is the culprit but i dont wanna leave it at that so were gonna try my kx1200.1 to it tomorrow and see how it does. also gonna get my buddy to come over with his car so my friend can get the sa-8 demo i been promising him since before we even started his build. gonna try this sub+box combo in my friends car and see how it does in there, then maybe even try his sub+box combo in my friends truck.

just gonna try everything till we figure out if its the power, box or vehicle.

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