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Where to buy Mpyre audio?

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Ok so my focal polykevlar components are finally dead, i got a lot of years use out of them, but now im interested in some new stuff, ive seen these mpyre mids all over but cant find where to buy them, can anyone help, or recommend some other components for a decent price, thanks

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Mpyre isn't around any more as far as I know. The drivers were essentially just Adire Extremis. There may have been minor changes, I don't recall. But they were basically OEM'd Extremis.

If you are simply looking for high excursion 6.5-7" drivers, there are other options:

Ascendant Audio Carbons (don't see them on the website, but believe they're available.)

CSS SDX7 (currently out of stock)

Exodus Audio Anarchy

Or you can look for some used Adire Extremis, Mpyre's still pop up in the classifieds or Ebay, used AA Poly's, etc.

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I BELIEVE the AA carbons are out of stock. They may be in stock now, but it's worth it to shoot AA an email to check. I can't remember where i read that they're out right now, but recently they were.

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