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4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

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Coming along nicely.

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I can understand 3... but 5 layers? is it .5" or .75'?

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I can understand 3... but 5 layers? is it .5" or .75'?

^^ This!! and 86" of port seems small for 4-15s??

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if you have 15 cubes then it needs to be 17" long to be 25 hertz. That is a really small port though.

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Personally, I would do port behind driver with 20^2-22^2 of port per cube.

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Got some progress down today...still dont know what i'm going to do with this port...




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Shouldn't have any problems with that front panel flexing!

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this will be a beauty when its done!!! looks awesome so far..


Shouldn't have any problems with that front panel flexing!


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Thanks guys! yes, i'm going to add more inches to my port....due to wanting to stick to 25hz, I have to make the port bigger and longer thus bumping my internal volume to 14.2 cubes :/ Plus i'm going to have to go with some external port...what I really didn't want to do but whatever lol but then again i'm going to make another port tuned at about 35hz, so i'll be able to switch between them..

Here's a pic of my happy since this thing is almost done...the port that is in the picture is being scrapped lol


Edited by ilikedirt

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good decision. you were at less than 6 sq. inches if port per cube.

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Looks nice and sturdy so far, good luck with the port.

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Just don't forget that port area has nothing to do with box volume when determaining minimum size. This is a myth.

Model your vent velocities at your power level to get meaningful sizes...

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Just don't forget that port area has nothing to do with box volume when determaining minimum size. This is a myth.

Model your vent velocities at your power level to get meaningful sizes...

Stealth has always preached the 'xx square inches of port area per cube' thing, I've had "discussions" with him about it to no avail.

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If modeling software is unavailable, what do you do then?

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If modeling software is unavailable, what do you do then?

Calculate it, modeling software isn't needed for finding minimum port area.

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99% sure tuning is going to be at 30hz. Then with the displacement of the port will knock down my volume which in turn will bring down the min port area, so im good there.

Right now i'm really stressing out about this project...my deadline is just over 4 weeks from now and I dont have an abundance of time. I'm also freakin out about making the trim panel...I've never done one before, it seems like its going to be a royal pain in the a$$!

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Just don't forget that port area has nothing to do with box volume when determaining minimum size. This is a myth.

Model your vent velocities at your power level to get meaningful sizes...

Stealth has always preached the 'xx square inches of port area per cube' thing, I've had "discussions" with him about it to no avail.

lol im sure you know that is a great guideline right? he will also be overpowering those subs right? so you are saying that under 6 sq inches per could be sufficient???? please tell me 95honda and duran that 5per will suffice..

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Great build, very clean Sierra and work, I love GMs. Keep up the great work!! :popcorn::drink40:

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Little update, I kicked up the port a few notches, 227 inches...The box is almost complete...

Subs were ordered yesterday, wiring and the XS 3100 will be ordered next week...trim panel construction will commence this week...and my goal for everything to be buttoned up is the 29th!

If any of you guys are coming to Carlisle Truck Nationals, I'll be there parked with Fullsizechevy.com, come up and tell me who you are!

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Subs are coming today!

Box is pretty much done. After everything added up, about 15 cubes tuned at 33hz. 227 inches of port area


Everything resin'd



Edited by ilikedirt

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Enclosure looks great, nice and stout. Can't imagine installing it though. Perhaps you could make a video for us to watch :popcorn:


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Just don't forget that port area has nothing to do with box volume when determaining minimum size. This is a myth.

Model your vent velocities at your power level to get meaningful sizes...

Stealth has always preached the 'xx square inches of port area per cube' thing, I've had "discussions" with him about it to no avail.

lol im sure you know that is a great guideline right? he will also be overpowering those subs right? so you are saying that under 6 sq inches per could be sufficient???? please tell me 95honda and duran that 5per will suffice..

Learn what the port actually does, then get back to me.

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Enclosure looks great, nice and stout. Can't imagine installing it though. Perhaps you could make a video for us to watch :popcorn:


I plan on putting it in tonight...might get a vid :)

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