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How to clamp together plates at a 45 degree angle?

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I have a small problem, I have two plates that will be joined with Lamello biscuits at a 45 degree angle.

I have found some solution that uses tape at one side, but I feel that it will not put enough pressure on the plates.

Does someone know a good way to clamp them together?


I forgot to mention that the end of the plates that will be used to join them together are cut at a 22,5 degree angle.

Edited by Dammed

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They make 45 degree angle woodworking clamps. If you were welding them they make magnets with 45's.

I have seen the clamps at hardware stores. Handy tool to have.

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welding would not work since it's wooden plates.

I have looked around at hardware stores, but I couldn't find a 45 degree wood clamp.

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As a student that goes over my budget, especially since I live in Norway so the shipping would be to much.

I'm just going to clamp together two joints. So I was more looking for a solution my making a small jig of some kind.

But thanks for the link.

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