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got 3 18'' fi q series

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i know first thing everyone will say is why sealed, ive just been a sealed type of guy all my life, nothing against ported..but its not my taste..so i know on fi's site for 18's they suggest 4-8cu ft per sub..im having a shop make my box for me so its not like i can experiment with different sizes..so for a sealed application and for a mix of rap and rock what do you guys suggest in a box size for each 18? space isnt a issue its going in the back of a denali

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I hope you will make a build log! Sounds like a good project. Q's do great sealed. I'd do at least 4.5 cubes per sub. Biger if you have the room. I had my q 18" in a 8 cube box seald for awhile. You won't be disapointed

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Yukon XL? Are you removing the 3rd row? I forgot the exact measurements of the trunk cargo area, its something like 48" wide and 32-36" deep I believe. Its a tight squeeze with the 3rd row in and to also mount the amplfiers. Have you planned on how your going to mount the 18s, thats a lot of mounting area.

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Why do you now like ported boxes? Just wondering as many people don't like them until they have heard a proper ported box. As, most ported boxes, are built VERY wrong. lol

I think, since it's obvious you are looking for output, a 18^3 box with a good amount of port would work great for you. But that's just my opinion.

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3rd row seat is gone..lol so i have lots of space now, ive actually heard some good ported set ups, one of which was 3 audio que hdc3's i believe they are with around 2000 watts going to each and it made me cream my pants..lol but ive always loved that sound you only get from sealed set ups..

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Get as large as you can to be more efficient, IMO. Shouldn't get too much hassle for running sealed, to each their own :drink40:

X2 on the build log!

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iv heard a jl w7 13 in a port box and its sex in my ears and a q12 in a sealed not even comparable in the sq but the sealed q really got down and sounded a little bit under sex in my ears...kinda like a jb in my ears

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Get as large as you can to be more efficient, IMO. Shouldn't get too much hassle for running sealed, to each their own :drink40:

X2 on the build log!

well i have the space to go the full 8 cu ft per sub that fi recommends, but whats the perfect balance for these subs? like i said mostly listening to rap and rock..no burps or competitions, just a daily driver..

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I dont have much experience with this so how would the sound differ if I went with the minimum 4cu per sub, the middle 6cu per sub, and the max 8cu per sub? Again im looking for a daily driver for rap and rock, I dont want it just to be loud and sound like ass lol, id like it to sound good

Edited by superman814

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More volume = less power handling, increased efficiency.

Less volume = higher power handling, decreased efficiency.

In terms of loudness and sq, a small box may be peaky, less of a flat response, too big a box, not sure.

I personally always like to go with bigger boxes and have better efficiency and use less power.

I'd go with Fi's middle recommendation of 6cubes per driver.

I know what you mean about sealed enclosure sound verse ported. I think your setup will retain that sealed type sound but with all that cone area it'll still be able to be quite authoritive when the bassline comes in :D

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thanx for the input, i forgot to mention i will be only sending 800 watts per driver

Thats plenty of power. Post up pics and video when it's all done

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Doing a sealed enclosure you can always experiment with fiberfill or wood blocks to make the box appear bigger or smaller to the sub, and tailor it to the sound you like.

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