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Staying motivated.

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Hey Dan, and updates?

Not really. Still trying to get myself motivated but I just feel so run down lately. I don't know if it's work or what. Sitting here typing this and all I want to do is take a nap. I'm working on cleaning up my diet too. Trying to phase out processed foods, sugars, etc. It's slow going but I'm determined to do it.

The biggest non-specific thing, is just making it part of your routine on a daily basis. Just going and doing 25 minutes of light weights or moderate cardio is far better then not going. Find a good time that fits your schedule (for me I go every day at lunch and push as hard as I can for 55 minutes). So even if you are thinking about going, just go. The more you do, the more it becomes automatic and easy.

I'm trying to make it a habit of getting up earlier (I need to start getting to bed earlier too :peepwall: ). With my back problems I'm usually pretty sore in the morning, so I want to start doing some light pilates or yoga, and hopefully that will get me "loosened up" enough to move onto something else.

Thanks for checking up on me. :gayhaaay1:

This should be a group effort. :) Can you go after work?

I only work three days a week. Twelve hour days of extreme physical labor followed by a 45 minute drive home really doesn't set me up to be in the mood for a workout. All I want to do is shower, eat and sleep. On the other hand, I've got 4 days that I could be working out, so I really have no excuse. :ehh:

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Crap then, go for it. ;)

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