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questions before finalizing

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I installed 90% of my system with the two batts in the back and i have a few questions.

1. my subs are dual 1 ohm can i wire each to .5 ohm from each terminal on the enclosure to have a end result of 1 ohm at the amp?

2. when grounding the two batts in the back and i ground them to and metal part or the car. (i have to ground them to each side of the trunk)

3. can i ground both batts on the same plane?

4. i put the two main fuses in just to see of the amp will turn on...no luck. does everything has to be grounded and connected before the amp turn on?

5. i attached the remote wire to the blue wire with the white line that's coming from the harness..is that good enough?

6. my hu have one sub out put but my amp have two do i run the"Y" to both "out put" connectors to one of the terminals on the rca's and the two "input" to the other terminal?

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You can just ground 1 to the chassis and then to each other,

or run a wire from the front - terminal to the one in the rear and not worry about chassis and all + to + , - to -

4. yea everything has to be grounded to complete the circuit for it to work.

5.yea that should work blue is usually Rem wire, but i assume u checked that on the diagram.

6.really it only has 1 out?

odd, but yea get a y connector.

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You can just ground 1 to the chassis and then to each other,

or run a wire from the front - terminal to the one in the rear and not worry about chassis and all + to + , - to -

4. yea everything has to be grounded to complete the circuit for it to work.

5.yea that should work blue is usually Rem wire, but i assume u checked that on the diagram.

6.really it only has 1 out?

odd, but yea get a y connector.

this is the diagram i used to wire everything up.

what diagram shows which wire is the remote wire?

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no go on the diagram

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the remote wire gets connected to the blue/white (usually) on the head unit.

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