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SA-8 Updates -- 4/15/11

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Few updates :

1) I am running a full container load of the v.1 SA-8s to meet demand -- these will be in stock in July. So we'll be sold out for a bit as the massive amount we just got recently are already nearly depleted.

2) This run of v.1 models will have the v.2 frame on them -- as there are reasons beyond cosmetic for the frame. They will be fully compatible with any SA-8 with the newest surround and spider, though. From the front will look no different either.

3) Once these are gone then we'll work on launching the v.2 models -- R&D is almost done on them. But they should be out around August to September.

Sean will be up next week to try out the latest SA-8 v.2 sample -- I feel like it is probably where it needs to be for launch but we want to make sure before actually putting them out to the public so I am making a massive v.1 run as I mentioned to hold us over

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