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Got my Fi bl but something wrong??

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First of all why did you get a D1? If you could have got a D2 in the first place?

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because i would have to either wire it to 4ohms or 1 ohm, my amp didnt put enough power out at 4ohms and i didnt want to wire it to 1 cuz it would put more strain on my electrical and my amp puts out the same power at 1ohm as it does at 2ohms, but i dont understand why this was brought up?

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ok so i was looking around for a new headunit to put out more volts in my preouts and i came across this one http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_22379_Pioneer-DEH-P7200HD.html , I was just wondering what you guys think, i seems to be a really well built h/u with everything i need. Also i was wondering if you can turn off the lpf on this one cuz i know the one i have right now you cant turn off the lpf it just goes down to 50hz because i want to use the lpf on my amp.

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Turn the lpf as high as it can go then use the one on your amp. Is this for your sub? Most pioneer units can't have the lpf turned off for sub out and you just turn it up to 200hz or something like that and then use the one your amp has.

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hey guys i had a quick question i got some extra stinger pro series 8 gauge power wire and i was wondering if i could use this for speaker wire to hook up from amp to sub box? was wondering if theres any difference or is it the same stuff. all i have right now for speaker wire is some cheap 12 gauge speaker wire and i wanted to put int he 8 gauge power wire? is this possible

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yes i know its more for just looks and cleanliness, the 12 gauge is all mangled, just needed to know if it does the same thing and if its safe, i thought it was pretty much all the same stuff just caught me off gaurd with the diff names speaker wire and power wire thought they did two different things haha

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I know this sounds crazy and out of this world, but I have gotten bad rcas before... I have not read this whole post so sry if that was brought up or if the problem was solved. My rcas started shorting, and then they wouldnt play as loud,t hen they quit working one day. I bought new rca wires, and it was perfect.

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that could be a contributer to having to turn it up so high along with the low preout volts. ill have to check this out too when i get my new h/u, thanks everybody, love this site :) haha

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