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are 3-4 years working with the company as a distributor of the brand in Italy, and I have been here to see a lot of improvements that Jacob was able to do in recent years.

A major expansion of components, management, and fame!

I'm really happy with this working relationship

Unfortunately, the only advice I can give to Jacob is this:

He has complete control of all business matters I guess.

Purchases, sales, inventory management etc etc etc.

Unfortunately, having an excessive workload, I do not think he will be able to solve everything himself.

the main problem for us distributors, is the immediate response to our requests and our orders.

One of our order, customers can meet 10-15, claiming the product

then if belated response, we lose customers

In my opinion, it would be very important to create an email private, where they can write only the distributors of the brand, and give priority to reply to these emails

unfortunately I've found, that in recent months, it takes a long time to answer, because of his great work to be done, I had to change the order of 5-6 times ... postponing 2-3 months

In my opinion, it would be fair to give this priority to us distributors, we invest the money to work, not only for passion

I apologize for English, but I also had to use google translator

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I''d say : give Jaqcob a call , why should we as forummembers be involved in this ?

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because many dealers are also on the forum to seek information and more. so it is right that they also say their opinion. maybe others do not want this

(then I wanted to publicly congratulate for the Business Growth)

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We are working on adding staff this year in the summer time to help with the work-load -- for your particular order we are waiting for updated DDP quote with the 4500D taken off.

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We are working on adding staff this year in the summer time to help with the work-load -- for your particular order we are waiting for updated DDP quote with the 4500D taken off.

Yes, I am not referring to my current order. generally speaking, to facilitate communication between the company and distributors around the world, so as not to "lose" in the communications of private buyers

would be a more professional service for us

however, I once again applaud the company's growth

and for the improvement of materials

Well done

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