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Power changing sound of enclosure?

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To start off, i have 3 sa 12's, they were on a saz 2k, and i had them in a 5.5 cube box 2 6" aeros, tuned to 35hz, Well that wasn't cutting it for me for the low's, So i had to go back to slot ports, i made a box to recommended size, 5.25 cubes for 3 sa 12's, tuned to 31 hz with 81.25 port area. It sounded great, i loved it, But thought the subs needed more power, so i got my saz 3500 back. Put it in, and the sound changed a lot. It is louder, but doesn't sound as clean now and not as aggressive on some songs it did with the saz 2k. It almost sounds like it lost its "clean, accurate" sound, if that makes any sense. What would cause that? the box being to big now becuase ive added 1500 more watts? to much port? to less of port? Im confused and thinking about downsizing big time to a single 12 and calling it a day as ive gotten to the point where ive spent/wasted a lot of money trying to get it where i like it.

p.s all equipment and vehicle is in sig below.

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Are your SA's D2 or D4 coils? The way you've connected your speakers, what ohm load does the amplifier see?

Your gain can be set incorrectly and this could lead to a bad signal send to the subwoofers which can be heard, as you pointed out - "doesn't sound clean". Try backing up the gain just a lil bit at a time and see if it get's any better. :)

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sorry i should have stated, it was set with a scope. and they are dual 4's. Wired to .67ohms, but when you put a meter on the terminals outside the box it read 1ohm.

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That's twice the rated power you're putting on them. Try turning the gain down. They should remain loud, but sound much better.

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i dont think thats going to do much, im using the gain knob, and control it by that, so i can crank the volume and keep the knob turned down, still sounds a bit different.

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Try dropping the box size down abit Hostility. You can do this easy by removing one sub and measure out 1 cube of scrap board and laying in the box. It will change your port tune but it will give you a better idea if that is the cause of your issue without building a new box just yet. And also im biased pn bigger ports :drink40:

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any ideas on how to measure out how much wood i would need? lol im thinking but nothing is coming to mind on how to figure that out

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So from what I understand from your post the sound was OK with the 2k, but when you changed the amp it no longer sounds that good, just louder.

So by the logic of it, it's the amp.. and it's settings. Check your LPF, SF and Gain again.

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The amps should have the same sound as one another at the same volume level -- simply be sure all the knobs are matched exactly between the two setups.

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just played a song im very familiar with as i played it a lot before taking the 2k out, and the higher note in the song plays a lot louder, thats for sure, the broken piece on my dash, flew out of place, but the low note, sounds different, its not as aggressive. I checked phase and bass boost, both are at 0... actually just typing this lite a light bulb in my head, i think my SSF may be to high, and its trying not to play the low note, ill go out now, and turn the SSF off, and play the same song, but other then that, i cant see the low pass changing anything for low notes, i will go test now, and update in a few min.

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ok, the SSF fixed it, i guess i just had it a hair to high, i turned it to 0 to test that same song again, and the aggressiveness came back :), i feel like a tool, but when i was setting the amp forgot to try to set it properly, then just got conffused on why it would sound different on a low note. Thanks "theend, and jacob" thinking about it set a light bulb in my head about the SSF.

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You should set your SF just a little bit below tuning. It's shouldn't be at 0. It's there to protect your subwoofers!

And I said it might be the SF in my last post. :ughdunno:

Glad we could help you out. ;)

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Oh i know i should set it to where it needs to be, but i will have to do some tests to see where it needs to be for me. thanks again

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