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Some fuse & placement questions

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I'll be powering an sa-15 w/SAX 1200d, and some ID xs-65 w/SAX 100.4

Plan on getting the Kolossus Fleks 0 Gauge Power Amp Kit, some 40ft of 16 guage KarmaSS, 2 Krystal Kable rca's, and a KONfused distributor for about $160, all from knu clearly. I figure 16guage should be good enough for speaker wire

What fuse type and amperage is appropriate/recommended to be in the first foot of the battery for my power line? What size fuses should I get in the distro block for each line?

I plan on putting both the amps, crossovers and distribution block in the tire well to be covered with a sheet of mdf for a false floor (maybe a plexiglass view window for looks) will it get too warm under there for the equipment after a few hours listening that I should throw in a cooling fan? They'll be mounted to half inch mdf with the same for a false floor above, so the sides will be open with the exception of a few supports.

Is the sealed spec for the sa good to go with or should I make it a little larger(2.5cubes)? I'm going to try it out sealed for a bit while I build a ported box so I can finally hear the damn thing.

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In between batteries and fuse blocks Fuse to the wires capacity

In between batteries and amps/distro block and amps fuse to rating on the amp

so if there is 100amps of fusing on the amp put a 100amp fuse on that line.

if there isn't fusing on the amp use ohms law!

for example if you have 12.8volts and 1200watts of power that = 93amps, so put a 100amp fuse in that line! make sense?

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250 is ideal and safe!

if you live on the edge go with a 300amp fuse!

look at it like this on 12.8volt, 250amps = 3200 watts

on 12.8volt, 300amps = 3840 watts


640watt difference

see what I am getting at?

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Ya, I figured I had the fuses right, but would rather double check before finding out I was wrong the hard way :fing34:

How about those amps getting hot in the well? I figure the heatsinks are pretty good and from what I've read they don't get that hot compared to others so I should be safe.

So stoked to get all this running finally, just can't believe how much that wiring comes out to be..

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