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It's been a while since I've used my o-scope and I've read alot on how to set the amp gains but while i've been trying to see the clipping I've had some problems being able see where clipping begins on the h/u. From what i seen it was at 53 on an alpine deh-4000ub as i was setting the gain i barely touched the gain knob and it was in clipping and i dont want to have my h/u at 53 just to get bass. im using a bk precision 2120. i'm running a re -sx 12 in a 35hz box connected to an AQ1200d. can i get some suggestions on the way to set these properly fellas?

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so what you are saying is your H/U clips at 53 and you are saying you touch the gains on the amp and it goes directly into protect? so now i must ask what ton are you using to set your amp with?

and if the amp is clipping then it is clipping nothing you can do about it.

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its not going into protect but my main question is that if it is at 53 and i touch the gain barely and it goes into clipping then does that mean that if i want to really play my bass all out i need to be at 53

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btw when im doing this i have everything set to 0 on flat no bass boost on h/u and no bass boost on amp. is that proper or should bass boost be on somewhere?

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bass boost must never be on brother!

since your h/u clips at 53 I wouldn't play my system above 53 for a daily setup.

look at it like this your amp will AMPLIFY Anything the H/U tosses at it, now lets say your H/U sends a clipped signal to the amp... since your amp isn't selective in what it plays it will most definitely play/amply that clipped signal and send it directly to the sub! is that good.. you be the judge amplifying a clipped signal good>? bad? your call!

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easy answer to that question :P this is just the first time for me using an o-scope for any car related tuning and i want to get it right

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not a problem man glad I could help! enjoy your night / upcoming week! also do you have a build log? if so post it up!

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so you guys are telling me i'm doing this correctly so far b/c i really don't want to sacrifice my sub for the greater good :)

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You don't need to push the clipping threshold, significantly down from there is NOT audibly quieter.

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Rudimentary acoustics. Look up the threshold of hearing and what power change it will take to notice that, then ponder why you are pushing the limit of your amplifier.

Now add in the variance of recordings and you should not be able to rationalize the use of an oscope for setting gains. Completely unnecessary.

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I'd like to use one some day. But I don't think I will hear a difference in output. I've always have my gain set by ears.

Maybe I will be more confident in not sending any clipped signal. But if I listen to clipped songs, there's nothing an o'scope will do for me !!!!

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I'm pretty sure I did it all correctly on my o-scope and I can barely hear any bass so I may just end up doing a little clipping b/c I would rather clip a little here and there than to never hear my music the way i want.

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You should be getting a pretty good bit of bass from an SX12 running on an AQ1200. Is your sub a Dual 2 or Dual 4?

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I'm pretty sure I did it all correctly on my o-scope and I can barely hear any bass so I may just end up doing a little clipping b/c I would rather clip a little here and there than to never hear my music the way i want.

Clipping won't make it louder, just sound worse. We need more details to help, there is obviously something wrong with your setup.

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99% of people who have problems with AQ amps didnt read the manual...

Simple quick fix to see if it's user error-

disregard oscope for a moment...

unplug the remote control coming out of amp and set gain to about 60% of the way up.

LPF around 80-100hz

subsonic around 25hz.

Now, do NOT blast it continuously but see if that sounds louder..

IF it does, then you are not properly tuning the amp right.

The gain on the AMP is the MASTER gain.

the gain on the remote can NEVER surpass the gain setting on the amp.

I hope people understand this some point in time...

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