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Question: RCA out on strapped amplifiers

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Is the RCA out on the slave amp still live or is it defeated along with the other functions IE: gain, LPF, subsonic, etc.?

Reason I am asking is with the RCA lengths and the way my amps are installed is it would give me a cleaner look if I could use the RCA out on one my slave amp to the RCA in of the other strapped pair's master.

Here is a pic, I want the top 2 amps to be the master and slaves on bottom. I want to run RCA under and between amps rather than on top. I have nothing working right now so I cant check it for myself and dont want to get that far and find out it wont work.

Cliffs: does the RCA output of the slave amp still work when strapped?



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Your going to need to find someone who has strapped those particular amps before.

With db Drive there is a switch that disables all but the input on the slave. On the Sundown, the RCA from the master plugs into the BR in. So nothing else gets signal.

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Yeah, that's kinda what I thought, but worth a shot to ask.

I will shoot Mike an email and ask.

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