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Kicker S12X2 question

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Im seriously lookin at gettin 2 of the S12X2, but i have a couple problems

1. I have no clue how to build a box...and dont know where i can buy one tough enough to get the job done

2. I dont know if they will fit into the trunk of a 2003 Evo

Can anyone hook me up with some info on this?

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1. We can help you with the enclosure no problem, whether you want to try to make your own, or want to purchase one.

2. I'm sure KickinAudio will be in here shortly answering the rest. He's pretty knowledgeable on the Solo X drivers.

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aight man, thanks...and btw, what amp and wireing should i go with the get the max out of um? I was thinkin about haveing each sub on its own amp...

Also, what type of box...

i really dont know to much, i just like loud

Edited by BigBang

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kickin has a ton of experience with the SoloX 12's,

ok but we need to ask some questions first before you jump into buying two very expensive subs...

1. are you planning to compete?

2. do you understand the amount of wattage needed to push them?

3. do you want to lose most of your trunk from the box?

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im not gonna compete, just showup some of the other Marines here.

Most of them have JL Audio. I figuer the SoloX's will be alot louder

Im probably gonna get an amps that are around the reccomended max wattage... and i dont care how big the box is gonna be.

I just wanna have alot of sound.

Edited by BigBang

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if you want to stay with kicker, and do not want to unload a ton of money to beef up the electrical system and get the big wattage amplifers, look at the L7, they can get more than loud enough for most needs, and they do not require the power of the SOLOX, no they will not score as well on the SPL meter as the SOLOX but you have not shown interest in competing,

also look into the PowerBass XS subs, decently priced with tremendous output

you have to consider a few things, wattage needed, cone surface advantage and usable space for the box if you want to beat what your friends have... (keeping in mind the EVO does not have a large trunk something along the lines of 2 12's might be a good place to start)

if you want to spend a few more dollars, talk to Nick Lemons with Stereo Integrity, the MAG D2 has the ability to get very loud in the right enclosure with enough power and still keep its composure with sound quality

{both powerbass and stereoIntegrity have forums on here}

I hope that helps a little..

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just now saw the post, I've been gone all weekend.

I don't think solo x's are necessary in your case. I would agree with denim that you would need more cone area, such as getting 3 12"s with a decent amount of power in a nice ported box made to accomplish what you want in your car.

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wouldnt buyin 3 be more expensive then just the 2?

also, i have been looking a changing vehicles to either a truck or SUV, because i cant go muddin in my car. If i do end up going that route i would have plenty of space for whatever configureation i end up getting.

its not that i just wanna show up a couple of my buddies, but i cant get enough bass.

How do yall think i can get my stuff as loud as possible?

i wanna have to buckle my seatbelt to keep myself in the seat :fing34:

Edited by BigBang

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SUV's are going to be louder to the ear just by swaping the same system. And two L7's would slam!

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at the recomended power for the 12 L7, with 2, how loud do you figuer it will get? and what amp would you recommend for them?

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KX1200's are nice.

as long as he has the juice to power them suckers

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how do yall feel about the mtx 9500? those are lookin pretty good too

btw, i think its called wirein something in series...when you conect the amp to a + of 1 sub and to the - of the other, then hook the - of the first to the + of the second.... if i hook up 500w like that, does that give both subs 500w?

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the MTX's are a different class of sub than the SoloX's, they are pretty beefy subs, but I dont have the listening time to give a good reply on them,

but I believe the L7's are somewhat less, and trust me, ina good enclosure a pair of L7 12's off a single KX1200 can get very very loud

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if u dont care about how big the box will be get 1 rl-s 15's or 2 mag 12's and put them in the biggest sealed or ported box u can fit in your car

and get one orion 2500d..for the mag setup or 2 orion 1200'd's strapped...and u should one happy camper


if that dont work...get 8 solobaric 8's and one orion 2500d and u are good to go..and u will have a wow factor going on

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