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Recone questions/help

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i want to get louder but im on a budget, so someone told me that i could recone my 15" Fi SSD to an 18".... how hard is this to do or am i required to send it off and get it changed? Iv never done this before so all information and recommendations is helpful

Also, what difference in loudness would i notice the box will be 6 cubes at 32Hz.

in advance, Thanks

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The only similarities between a 15" and a 18" (same brand, same model) is the motor and possibly the suspension and coil which in some cases that may be different too.

If you want an 18" I recommend you buy one.

Edited by edouble101

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Its all about install...

But you can recone the SSD 15 to the 18 version.

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ya but iv never done a recone and was wondering if it was all that hard to do or not.

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I mean its is but its not. Really depends on you. I mean I can recone a sub easy but can't use sketchup for shits and there are others that are the opposite. lol.

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ya i mean im pretty good with doing those kinds of things, so if i wanted to get a kit i would just order a kit from FI for an 18 or its a special order i mean how do i get this recone kit i seen where you order it im just wondering if i order one for an 18 or its a special something i need?

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