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I want to know how to design my own bandpass enclosure. Can anyone link me to something to read?

i wanna do 18s in my cut through but the box is going to have to be bandpass as my opening is only about 10x40.

and i dont want someone to just design me one. i wanna know why the sealed chamber has to be this big and why the ported chamber has to that big and how to tune them and what not. i know its not an easy thing to grasp but you had to start somewhere... how are you guys designing them?

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Why does the box have to be bandpass? I would just do a ported box with the just the port shooting into your cabin.

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I want to know how to design my own bandpass enclosure. Can anyone link me to something to read?

i wanna do 18s in my cut through but the box is going to have to be bandpass as my opening is only about 10x40.

and i dont want someone to just design me one. i wanna know why the sealed chamber has to be this big and why the ported chamber has to that big and how to tune them and what not. i know its not an easy thing to grasp but you had to start somewhere... how are you guys designing them?

I suggest two things.

1) Read and re-read the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook

2) Download WinISD Pro and make different boxes with the same drivers and change things up

*Do realize that your model is for a "in free air" enclosure so it is not the response you will see unless you correct for the "room". It WILL teach you what you need to know.

**Beware, the LSDC requires a fair amount of math understanding to get through. It isn't a 100% critical as he does write it so that you can read the conclusions, but you will really understand things if you go through the math. And when you do, you'll know why some of my responses are what they were in areas that really rubbed some people the wrong way ;)

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Why does the box have to be bandpass? I would just do a ported box with the just the port shooting into your cabin.

I wouldn't.

Not sure that is Wood's goal anyways, perhaps it is worth asking....

That being said, is your goal to just understand the alignments or do you have actual limits for your need? If you do, what are they? I realize you want to design it yourself, but narrowing things down is never a bad idea :)

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well i always heard that just firing the port through didnt sound as good or got nearly as loud...

I want to understand how the bandpass boxes are different then just regular ported boxes (which i also know VERY LITTLE about)

I want better sound quality then i do now with my regular ported enclosure as it sounds "ok" i just know i can do better with the right tools (knowledge)

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Ok, then I stand by my first post. Both will help a ton :) Good luck, let us know when you have questions.

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Ok, then I stand by my first post. Both will help a ton :) Good luck, let us know when you have questions.

appreciate the help, gonna see if the ol lady wants to go to barnes and noble right now. think they'll have it?

got winisd pro installed, can i mess around with bandpass boxes or does it just model regular ported boxes?

thanks again.

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Ok, then I stand by my first post. Both will help a ton :) Good luck, let us know when you have questions.

appreciate the help, gonna see if the ol lady wants to go to barnes and noble right now. think they'll have it?

got winisd pro installed, can i mess around with bandpass boxes or does it just model regular ported boxes?

thanks again.

B&N might, I'd check online first. And don't hesitate to buy an older version of it. The math hasn't changed :)

You can model BP 4th & 6th in Pro, just don't use or expect to use whatever it recommends. You need to change things around. Make sure to pick a driver suited and stick with one type (I'd recommend first using one they have as you know the T/S should be right). Once you master dinking around with it you can add the drivers you might potentially use.

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Ok, then I stand by my first post. Both will help a ton :) Good luck, let us know when you have questions.

appreciate the help, gonna see if the ol lady wants to go to barnes and noble right now. think they'll have it?

got winisd pro installed, can i mess around with bandpass boxes or does it just model regular ported boxes?

thanks again.

B&N might, I'd check online first. And don't hesitate to buy an older version of it. The math hasn't changed :)

You can model BP 4th & 6th in Pro, just don't use or expect to use whatever it recommends. You need to change things around. Make sure to pick a driver suited and stick with one type (I'd recommend first using one they have as you know the T/S should be right). Once you master dinking around with it you can add the drivers you might potentially use.

lol okay as im playing around with it, which graph am i supposed to be looking at? transfer function magnitude? im lost. and what does a good curve look like, i know that this is a very taste sensitive question but i dont even really know what im looking at.

im getting a graph that looks okay (TFM Graph) i guess with 8 cubes sealed, 3 ported, tuned at like 50 hz.... am i even close on things, at this point the problem is im just guessing and putting numbers in not really knowing what they are doing exactly. i need to read the book first i think. lol.

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Yep, book first. :) Pretty wicked how fast something changes the response, huh?

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