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Steve Meade's Clipping Tool

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I'm full of shit?

I can have people vouch for me saying, people PM pricing everytime a product is brung up in a thread? You must don't READ.

And a mod didn't ban me, David did. Because of DAT, well that was the "finale straw." I wasn't negative in most of my post, you just had fucking pansies who have low self esteem thinking I would hurt their feelings if they posted a stupid comment. Is that my fault I don't allow people to give up fasle info? And yet that's a bad thing?

Your being just like David now. I never once said anything bad about you, him and DAT. Yet your saying I'm full of dogshit. Yeah, looks real good Steve.

I talked shit about one company, and I stated a reason everytime I said something. Its MY OPINION, and I backed it up everytime. Its not like I pulled the shit out my ass. The shit was on video, printed on the website. I can't help they was total fucking idiots, and I was trying to help people out for pointing out flaws. My fucking bad.

I aint bitching I got banned, quiet franky I don't care. Just stating facts, I stated my opinion on your site, even if it was negative, I got banned for it. But like I said, 99% of the time I gave a reason when I gave my opinion.

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Ok guys, lets try to keep this on topic about the clipping tool. :)

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I'm full of shit?

I can have people vouch for me saying, people PM pricing everytime a product is brung up in a thread? You must don't READ.

And a mod didn't ban me, David did. Because of DAT, well that was the "finale straw." I wasn't negative in most of my post, you just had fucking pansies who have low self esteem thinking I would hurt their feelings if they posted a stupid comment. Is that my fault I don't allow people to give up fasle info? And yet that's a bad thing?

Your being just like David now. I never once said anything bad about you, him and DAT. Yet your saying I'm full of dogshit. Yeah, looks real good Steve.

I talked shit about one company, and I stated a reason everytime I said something. Its MY OPINION, and I backed it up everytime. Its not like I pulled the shit out my ass. The shit was on video, printed on the website. I can't help they was total fucking idiots, and I was trying to help people out for pointing out flaws. My fucking bad.

I aint bitching I got banned, quiet franky I don't care. Just stating facts, I stated my opinion on your site, even if it was negative, I got banned for it. But like I said, 99% of the time I gave a reason when I gave my opinion.

being an annoying f*ck can definitely get you banned at SMD - now i see what happened. And yes you are full of dog shit because after david banned you initially, i PERSONALLY put it back because i saw nothing that he should have gotten THAT upset about. You continued to be annoying and broke the camels back with another mod, scratch that, ALL the mods have had it with you and the hammer fell. Apparantly you have a history of negative bullshit comments. I didnt see it but i trust the mods.

Denim, please feel free to clean up this mess so we can get back on topic. We dont need to discuss this guys problems with my forum here.

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It's like watching a debate on t.v. :popcorn:

Cutting through all the mud slinging and you actually

find some good info and ideas.

I'm interested in learning more about what this product actually does,

yet some of y'all feel the need to fill this thread with unrelated bullshit!

Feeling the need to say my 2 cents,

keep your egos and hurt feeling to yourselves so some of us can try to learn

some things that might or might not actually work to further the advancement

of this fun hobby.

Please give the respect that you yourselves would want to receive when introducing new ideas.

Steve has built a name for himself that is well earned.

That being said,

so have many of the people on this forum.

It's ok to agree to disagree,

as long as opinions are based on facts.

Just keep the childish comments out of the thread.

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All questions, even with doubts, can be answered as long as your not a dickface about it. Is that such a hard thing to do?

A great place to start would be to answer M5's questions.

How is the distortion calculated and at what point is it considered "unacceptable". I find it interesting in this thread it's promoted as a distortion analyzer, yet throughout the half of the video I watched you always referenced it as "clipping" and not "unacceptable levels of distortion" or "X% distortion level".

Also, would be interested in knowing what level test tones you use for the measurement and include on the disc you say will be sent with the unit. 0db, -3db, etc?

Last for now.....just for shits and giggles, I'd be interested in hearing your answer to M5's last question as well.

We are considering unacceptable distortion as - 40dB from the fundamental. This is pretty standard. As far as the last question... is this a math test? lol Ok i'll play. 10*(LOG(1000)-LOG(900))= 0.46dB. Most people can not hear a 0.5dB difference. Though i'm sure there is someone out there who claim they can.

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And a mod didn't ban me, David did.

I never once said anything bad about you, him and ****.

I was joking around with Steve in one of his threads by being the "grammar police." It was intended to be friendly. David made a sarcastic remark and threatened to ban be in that thread. Here's the odd part- NOTHING WAS EVEN DIRECTED TOWARDS DAVID!! If Meade had a problem with the little joke, I'm sure he would've let me know.

Fortunately for me, Steve stepped in and defended me.Thank you Meade :)

I have a feeling that David isn't leaving anytime soon though because I believe he helped start the forum :(

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I will clean up the topic when I am in front of a computer.

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I'm full of shit?

I can have people vouch for me saying, people PM pricing everytime a product is brung up in a thread? You must don't READ.

And a mod didn't ban me, David did. Because of DAT, well that was the "finale straw." I wasn't negative in most of my post, you just had fucking pansies who have low self esteem thinking I would hurt their feelings if they posted a stupid comment. Is that my fault I don't allow people to give up fasle info? And yet that's a bad thing?

Your being just like David now. I never once said anything bad about you, him and DAT. Yet your saying I'm full of dogshit. Yeah, looks real good Steve.

I talked shit about one company, and I stated a reason everytime I said something. Its MY OPINION, and I backed it up everytime. Its not like I pulled the shit out my ass. The shit was on video, printed on the website. I can't help they was total fucking idiots, and I was trying to help people out for pointing out flaws. My fucking bad.

I aint bitching I got banned, quiet franky I don't care. Just stating facts, I stated my opinion on your site, even if it was negative, I got banned for it. But like I said, 99% of the time I gave a reason when I gave my opinion.

being an annoying f*ck can definitely get you banned at SMD - now i see what happened. And yes you are full of dog shit because after david banned you initially, i PERSONALLY put it back because i saw nothing that he should have gotten THAT upset about. You continued to be annoying and broke the camels back with another mod, scratch that, ALL the mods have had it with you and the hammer fell. Apparantly you have a history of negative bullshit comments. I didnt see it but i trust the mods.

Denim, please feel free to clean up this mess so we can get back on topic. We dont need to discuss this guys problems with my forum here.

I never did get unbanned, not that I know of. He banned me, cussed me out, "promised" to punch me in the mouth.

So where do you get I was banned again by mods who had enough of me?

Me and chode had plenty of good arguments, but he never banned me. He delted the posts, because it wasn't stuff noobs needed to read about. Which was fair. No feelings was hurt and we went on about our business. But when people get all hurt over something I post on a forum is sad.

Hell, when I supposedly being negative, everybody was in that Dr subwoofer thread, bashing that guy to death, and he couldn't even defend himself. Hell at least when I called bullshit to peoples post, at least they could reply. Yet I was a bad guy.

So either your pulling shit out your ass saying you fix the problem when David banned me? Cause I never seen that. I posted one time after he replied and banned me, simply because I wasn't going to let him talk shit about me, even when I didn't nothing to provoke him. I even apologized for bringing up DAT because everybody got touchy.

Denim, I don't mind you clearing this up, I just want to make sure I didn't waste my time replying.

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I guess my issue with a product like this, and all the other tutorials I often see on the web with gain setting/clipping are really a waste (imo) because they place people into a false sense of security because they aren't clipping thier amplifiers. When in reality, the clipping doesn't hurt anything, it is the simple overpowering that ends up cooking a voicecoil... I know, this will get debated endlessly, but I have done my own objective tests on this, published them on the web and stand by them.

I think having a distortion indication of some kind is great, but honestly what purpose does it serve to show when distortion levels are present if you can't hear it with your ears? I think this is the root of the problem... Additionally, -40db below is ridiculously low as far as power problems are concerned. Again, great to know, but for what purpose?

I have been building amplifiers for over 17 years, I only say this out of experience...

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Okay, seriously, keep the other forum BULLSHIT on the other forum. If you want to act childish, go back to that place it is allowed. It will not be tolerated here.

Aaron, don't even waste your time with this thread.

If someone wants to start a new topic about the product, feel free to do so, but this is done.

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I moved this here because it just was a total mess and Ryan is right, not worth cleaning up.

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