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Question about Stock alt powering Batts!!

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Alright, So I Just ordered a kinetik hc1400 gettin here monday which I am going to be putting up front in my car, and I already have a kinetik hc600 in my back near amp. Well I was thinking I would like to add a huge battery in the back to replace the 600.. I was thinking maybe a hc2400 just to have tons of juice and I figure you can never have too much... But then I was like crap Idk if my stock alt can handle charging batteries of this size ( a hc1400 up front + 2400 in back ) So i wanted to see if anyone could help with all you guys experience with tons of batts and alts.

Right now I have a 97 honda civic hb, stock alt (65-70amp I believe..) I have the big 3 done already and I just wanted to see if it is even possible to run a 1400 + 2400 on this tiny stock alt.. ( I do have a battery charger that I could use to maintain the batts over night if its needed ) I just want to put a big one back there if I can to keep a good supply near the amp ( amp is a sundown sax 1200d )

** The reason for all the batts and stock alt is because I dont feel like investing in an h/o alt for this car as idk when it will crap out.. and I figure batts can be moved to the next car if I am forced to get a new one someday.

Edit: ( 172,XXX Miles on car atm lol ) and yes next car I WILL get an H/O alt.

Thanks - Jordan

Edited by Jd377

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I guess noone has ever ran multiple batteries on a stock alt?.... Lol..

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Yes it's fine, especially if your willing to charge the batts regularly.

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Alright... Just making sure as it is a big investment on that size battery and I just didnt know if a tiny 70amp alt could charge a 1400 + 2400 and still reg. car things at the same time without killing it.

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The batts should help keep voltage up. They should have enough reserve depending on what amps your running.

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Running only 1 Sundown SAX 1200d for my whole system.

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Ya you should be fine

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