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Question on Port sizes

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So im on my way to building a new box, right now im using 2 6" aero ports, in a 5.5 cube box for 3 sa 12's. But i want to tune lower and cant with the aeros, so im going to have to go back to slot port. Now my question is what is the pros and cons of small vs big ports, i know people recommend 12-16 per cube, but thats pretty broad. So what would you gain or loose from having a port at 12 per cube, or 16 per cube?? or in the middle. Does the bass get sloppier with a bigger port? (this is all for music by the way)

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yea ive been reading through it, but dont really understand it to much. Was having to re-read many parts will still not being able to understand it to much. I felt a little out of my place in that thread lol

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from my experiences that Ive had so far with the 8's (and all the info Ive been absording on the issue), Ive found that i like the ports alittle bigger than that even.

Ive made 3 different boxes for these sundowns, trying to acheive the right sound for my setup, and the cleaniest and "loudest sounding" bass came when i ran a pair in 1.1 cubes with 18 sq inches of port tuned to 36. I really wanted to tune lower even, but with the size of the boxes and the port required, I just couldnt get it any lower.

The first box I made was 1.2 cubes with 16 sq in of port, and it sounded good. Infact i would have kept it if I had liked how it fit in my car.. but Im glad it didnt, cause after shrinking the box alittle and upping the port it changed quite a bit of the acoustics (but that also could be credited to tuning to 36 instead of 34)

Because of that, Im hopeful that I will have good luck tuning my next box to 36, and using 56 sq inches of port for 6 of the subs, with just a hair over 3 cubes of net space.

Was having to re-read many parts will still not being able to understand it to much. I felt a little out of my place in that thread lol

Theres alot of good info, but its mainly all mixed into the arguement. Really what I took from it all, is every driver / box / amp / electrical setup is going to require things to change in the port, and that is also based on your preferences. (i know, sounds basically like your back where you started, but with some basics from sundown, and here I just start building, and it I dont like it, I change it up!)

I dont have anything to share on the 12s but once you start playing with some boxes, please keep us posted :) I have a build for some 12s in the works right now

Edited by asb2106

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I have a rough 18 sq in of port per cube and it's in no way sloppy. Hammers the lows and still has accuracy. I'm not claiming it's as accurate as a smaller port, but I can bet it's louder. I've always been a fan of building boxes with larger port area...

EDIT: mod may wanna move this, the category isn't quite right. lol

Edited by xAndrewx

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ok, so long as its not sloppy, then im happy with that, i think i may not go as high as 18, but 16 for sure!, thanks guys. I know jacob recomends, 1.75 per sa 12, tuned to 30hz, so what im going to do for 3, is 5.25 cubes, tuned to 31 hz, but ill try bigger port this time with 16 sq inches of port.

right now im running 5.5 cubes at 35 hz, with 2 6" aeros.

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