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trying my hand at SQ

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Alright, so my new project truck is coming along (by coming along, i mean its not running and i'm tearing the interior apart). Anyways, i'm trying to piece together an SQ setup in my head and this is what i have so far.

Headunit: some type of indash dvd player (leaning towards the kenwood 717)

Speakers: front stage only: RE RE components, and a midbass (XXX 6" or dayton RS 7") all the speakers in door pods

Speaker amp: MTX blue thunder 400x5 (dedicated sub channel to power the midbass if necessary).

subs: its gonna be ridiculous

sub amps: lots of them

Now, for the problems. I have heard the RE tweeters are kinda harsh, any recommendations on curing this problem(either with different components, or piecing a set together)? I'm not dead set on the component set, so i'm up for suggestions. I'd like to have something that is a complete kit because i don't want to deal with an active component set at this time (if the RE mid is ok, but i just need to change the tweeter, that is o.k. too as long as somebody has a recommendation on a tweeter.

I'm gonna have a HEFTY sub stage, so i'm gonna need some components that are gonna scream with the power i can feed em, but won't kill my ears with harsh treble, or struggle to keep up with the subs. But, for SQ testing, the subs will most likely be turned down quite a ways

I'm a n00b at SQ, so any help is appreciated. I'm not dead set on equipment, so if people have any thoughts as to things that would be better for similar prices, i'd like to know about them.

Edited by tommyk90

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"Hefty sub stage" doesnt sound very SQ at all....

If you want loud, get horns, its the only way to keep up

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Sounds to me like Supa hit it on the head, horns are made for you my friend.

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Even though you say you are going to turn down the subs for SQ...are you going to compete with this?

If no, it sounds like you have a good start to a "SQL" system.

If yes, do not take this offensively, but the equipment you are wanting to use is more SQL then SQ.

I suggest you reevaluate your want/need for the "heafty" substage. Also the RE comps are not SQ based in any way. They do sound great, Dave Edwards is currently running them and loving them. I guess I just personally dont like them.

My opinions and thoughts.

A good 2 or 3 way setup I like 2 ways for ease of use. 3 ways can be better sounding, but difficult to setup.

Tweets...silk baby!

Mids...what is your budget and mounting locations?

Mid-bass...so you need it? price range? power range? where are they going to be placed?

Subs...do you really need more then 1 or 2 subs? 1 12" is plenty to fill my truck. Most SQ competitions are limited to 135db. My system hits upper 130s on music. Since you like a ton of thump, 2 12" may be plenty. Sealed is ideal for me, the responce range and flat curve make it an ideal SQ box IMO.

All in all what is your total price in mind?

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i think tommy is gonna do spl competition in that vehicle also and im sure he will turn the subs way down or even off if he does "SQL" competitions

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Even though you say you are going to turn down the subs for SQ...are you going to compete with this?

If no, it sounds like you have a good start to a "LSQ" system.

Edited by tommyk90

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