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round port question

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ok so i have built alot of enclosures in my day but it has been about 4 years or so

I have a mx15 in my truck right now with a 6" round port and its tuned to 32 hz sounds great i am super happy with it

ok now onto the project

I am helping a friend design a box for his car and a wedge style box is optimal to save the limited space that he has

I will be using a BL12 and we will be making a ported box for it but the standard slot port wont work well for his application so we are opting towards a round port

now here is where the issue arises I am unsure what size port i should be running single 6" or single 4" or possibly something else

the enclosure we r shooting for is a final volume of 2.4 cubes and a 32hz tune

I have a hard time thinking he will need a 6" port since that is what my mx is running and that sub displaces a ton more air

we r literally trying to make the box as small as possible without sacrificing sq

any help is appreciated

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I use 2 4" aeros for a single 12 personally..

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