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Double slot ported box

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I saw this on a video and I want to know if its possible for me.


Here is some info:




I want to go with the musical ported measurements. 2.5^ft., 4" Vd, 13.5" Vl, tuned to 28htz

I want the outside length to be 31" (including ports) max, I want it 14" high. What I don't know is the depth.

I have a 3000 watt amp and listen to various kinds of music.

If someone can help me on the dimensions and maybe even a plot of the spl curve, it would be greatly appreciated and I can get to building. Thank You.

Edited to add, If I left anything out, please let me know so I can provide you with the info. Thanks

Edited by RaTtLz

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Do you know who's video you got that box picture from?

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no i don't.

I was curious because a friend of mine build a box just like that for a BTL. If he does not see this thread and respone, I will let him know and maybe he can help you out.

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That'd be cool Nem. I found the video and the dudes name is Kocheric. He listed the box as E&J Audio, but I couldn't find the company on the old internets. In the description it is 5 cubes at 35hz. As above I wanted 2.5 cubes and 28hz.

Edited by RaTtLz

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That'd be cool Nem. I found the video and the dudes name is Kocheric. He listed the box as E&J Audio, but I couldn't find the company on the old internets.

E&J= Eric and Joe. I know them and that is who I was thinking built that box.

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I did a little research on my own and dloaded winISD. They didn't list my sub so I put all the numbers I had (from the paper above) into the calculator. From what I understand the EBP number is the number to tell you if the sub will "like" a certain enclosure. My sub was 40.9 but I'm not sure what that meant. Also plotting the spl graph It looks like tuning to 20hz will get a real nice smooth response. According to the vent tab for 2 slot ports 12"Hx4W" and 240"L. Does this sound right? There is a vent mach. of .01 but i don't know what that means either. I have never built a ported box before so I am in the dark :(

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I'm only going to respond to what i know man!

Do you know you want a response that flat? I'm sorry if i seem like im talking down to you or being disrespectful!

I have and WinIsd too and i have no clue what that "40.9" is. The mach rating is the amount of air turbalance in the ports. The lower the number, the less the port noise, the better. However, you probably aren't going to notice much of a difference from .01 to .09 (as long as tuning is the same). As long as that number is green (under .14) the programmer of WinISd feels that you have adequate port area. But it's always good to go with the manufactures specs if they have them. Its worth an e-mail to them to try to find out!

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No offense taken! Any and all comments/info welcome. I am not going to compete so I don't need/want a peaky box. Right now I have a sealed to spec. box. I like the way it sounds but I want a little more output. Going with the 28hz recommendation from the factory has a steep drop off at 34hz and a 7db attenuation at 20z. If I tune my box to 20hz, I get flat till 40 hz and a 3db drop at 20 hz. Wouldn't that be better for reproducing music accurately?

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