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The truth about DLS?

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i was told today that DLS stuff really went downhill the last few years.

way back when, they had the support of Morel makin thier speaks, and genesis makin the amps. when DLS decided to cut costs a little, they went to china and showed them chinos the design of thier stuff, and the chinese copied it. When Morel and Genesis heard what was goin on, them 2 companies cut thier production for DLS. so like 02-03 on, DLS's equipment isnt really as good quality. Is this true?

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It sounds good to me.

They have won numerous SQ competitions in sweeden in the past years.

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here was a thing between genny and dls yes, ill see if i can dig up the info that gordon (of genesis) wrote on this

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as far as i know, that holds true. genesis built dls amps, then dls had them reverse engineered. that is why their made in taiwan amps are great amps with out the high end price. their speakers are also now out of taiwan. i heard supposedly that their irridiums were a copy cat of dynaudio's with a different cone. but if morel was their original builder, that would explain a lot too. and dls is still winning sq comps and still kicks but, regardless of where it's made.

i think this industry will see (and is already starting to see) better and better products coming from the orient. you have better companies involved over there now, just using their slave labor to build equip and also not having to follow the strict e.p.a. regulations every one else has to. the whole situation that is going on is a bad deal imo.

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If DLS was selling for what it was when it was made morel you would see very little people with it.

Thet cost emough as it is

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Taiwan's work force is actually highly educated and their QC is much better than China's. In fact, some high quality amps and speakers, such as Arc Audio and Usher Audio, are made there. Many nice quality computers and computer parts are made there as well.

The only difference is that Taiwan costs for parts and labor are higher than China.

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I have no experience with DLS, I know dave E is trying to unload a 3 way set for cheap

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