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help with wiring

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So the big red wire is between the alt case and engine chassis? Kinda unnecessary but it won't pose any problems.

-the big red wire goes from the stock alternator to my front battery (big 3)

I only see one small red wire. Is the second one behind the relay that's zip tied?

-theres 2 red wires coming from the relay, 1 goes to the stud on my dc alt and the other its ignition.

Did you wire the red ignition wire to an aux switched 12v in the fuse box? Or tapped into stock alt ignition wiring?

- i tapped into the fusebox

The one small red wire I see, looks like it connects to a blue/purple wire and then goes directly into the front battery. <-Is this the ignition wire? If so, it shouldn't be on constant 12v.

-that wire that goes from red to blue its my ignition wire , i tapped into the fusebox, so it does get constant 12v.

Thanks for the help. i hope my DC ALT does not give me problems in the future... :peepwall:

Just so were clear, the ignition wire should only receive 12v when the vehicle is on.

yup. gotcha

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