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Single Sa-15 box tuned to 31hz

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decided to try an sa15 out powered by channels 3 and 4 bridged on my 200.4. 900-1000 watts roughly. this box is 3.8 cube after displacement with a single 6" aero 17.5" long tuned to 31ish hz lol.

17x31x17 is the dimensions.

not shooting for huge numbers just wanted to throw something in my gas saver daily driver. 1991 civic hatch behind the seats. so ill still have full function of my rear seats. eventually ill buy a round over bit to round over all the edges but right now this is where its at. not sure how long ill be using the box cuz im sure someone local will decide to buy it just like every other box i seem to build haha.



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Nice looking box!

But seriously only 1? :P


Get to the install.

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got it installed. sounds amazing for no more than what it is. car needs deadener BAD though but man oh man this 200.4 is BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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