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How to wire amp?

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I have breifly looked but can some please tell me how to wire my saz1500 v2 to my FI 2ohm sub for a 1ohm load. Also does it matter which way the rca's are in? (They are not colored red and white on the amp) Pics would be awesome.

I know these may be dumb questions but its the last thing for me to do.

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you can hook into either one of the positive or negative speaker terminals on the amp, they are the same unless your strapping them i think.

dont think the RCAs matter. there is no left/right.

Edited by smashedz28

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correct, RCAs going to the sub amp are mono while 4 channel are stereo inputs.

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so just do positive from one side and negative from the other side on the amp?

Also what does the "phase" 0-180 do and where do I want that set at?

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Go from one positive on the woofer to the other then to the amp. And then negative to negative on woofer to amp. Then boom. Done. :)

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