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10 cubic feet, 12" port, 35Hz tune, cheapest subs for it

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I built a 10cu ft box last year with a 12" port 17" long two free ends for a 35Hz tune last year for a guy. He never paid up. He was planning on two Fi BTL 18's and an AP30001D.

What is the cheapest sub that would perform decent in it? People around here either don't have money and want me to find them stolen gear for dirt cheap, or they waste it at the local shops and get crap for eighteeen times their value. When summer comes I'll get people beating down my door, I need to sell this box, whats the cheapest subs I can drop in there yet still get decent performance with a cheap 1000 watt amp? Mind you none of these people will have $$$ to get a solid 2kw-3kw amp, nor BTLs or anything else good. These people want two 12" rip-offs for under $50 with an amp and box.

I modeled the BTL, Q, SSD, and IB3 for shits...doesnt have to be Fi.

SSD and Q look ok I guess, nothing I'd or any of us would want.


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figured Id take a loss on it. When I played with the IB3s in it, they were terribly peaky, but extremely loud. No audible port noise off 3400 watts.

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ah compression. well no one around here knows anything about audio, no one really cares as long as it is loud and cheap, I could get away with a pair of IB3 18s shipped for $400 but I just couldnt do that. Theyd love it, playing the same songs that peak out over and over..but I couldnt in good concience just to get rid of it.

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Take all your graphs and close them out, and never look at them again. They ARE NOT accurate. On several occasions I've taken a box, tested several subs in it, written down real data, mocked up those speakers in that box and had VERY different results. One example stated 1 sub would be 4 dB quieter than the other, in actuality it was 2 dB louder.

As far as suggestions go, a pair of Sundown SA 15's would work on 1000 watts in it. It wouldn't be the greatest thing ever, but it'd do pretty good for the cost.

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Cut the box and make 2 with it. Is it possible ?

You will sell the2 boxes easier than a big one.

Take a look at the Classified section, there are lots of good used equipments to buy.

good luck

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