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irie kid

$130 box for Fi Bl 12

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Just wondering who can build me a box 2.4 cuft tuned at 32Hz. Argent Audio is barely over my budget..

Carpet and shipped for $130. i live in cypress california 90630. a simple L box with terminals is fine.

like to see some of your work before i choose aswell.

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Shipping will be your downfall.. Build your own box, cheap and essy

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Why dont you give it a go?

I am sure someone can help you with a design or maybe there is a design in the tech section that will work.

Lowes or Home Depot will make the big cuts for you no charge. You would need a jig saw to cut the sub opening, but you can find one on the cheap at somewhere like Harbor Freight.

Then glue and screw it together.


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true ill think about it. either pay the money or build it myself big debate cause if i spent so much on a sub i would want a good box to go with it made from someone who has experience and uses right materials

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Putting a box together isn't that tricky. With enough time and the proper tools it will come together well. Designing a proper enclosure for your specific woofers on the other hand is something I have not mastered. Although there are a lot of guys around here that can help with that. Good luck with the build.

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yea, build it yourself, i did a box just a few weeks ago for a 15" fi Q, spent about $75 between wood/glue/screws/caulking. add a little extra for how your going to finish the box (carpet, paint...) should be under your $130 budget for sure. Get in touch with bromo for a design, he will help you out with a cut sheet. just remember.. measure twice and cut once. my box was far from perfect, but it works. Also feels great when you do it yourself.

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Mike at AMI creations does diy kit for a little under that amount. They even come with instructions on how to put it together.

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build it yourself! its fun. im building my first box right now. got a sheet of mdf for $30, titebod II for like $7 or so, and i needed a new blade so $10 there. i almost ended up spending 175 on a box but it sold before i could buy it. im glad it did because i saved a lot of $$$$

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You'll learn a lot by building it yourself. It seems daunting at first, but it really isn't hard. And after you do one it's cake the rest of the time.

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