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Starting from Scratch

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Alright, so I would like to get some input from the community on this one. Just a note, when I say "I", I will be referring to anybody building a system.

Ok, so if I was to build a brand spanking new system in a completely stock vehicle. Where would I start, and where would I finish? That is the main question that this thread is created for. I am looking for inputs on how a system should start IDEALY for someone that is starting from scratch. Lets just assume that money, space, and time is out the picture on this one, which I am fully aware is never the case. Where should a person start. I am going to list thing is ascending order, starting from the most important, to the least important. Not literally meaning important, rather the chronological order in which a system should be completed in.

1. Brainstorming ideas

2. Determining of the vehicle

3. Detailing the space availible to sacrifice

4. Determing goals of the particular build

5. Selecting driver(s) for the sub stange

6. Determing the power that is required

7. Selecting the amp(s) for the sub stange

8. Selecting the driver(s)/component sets for the front stage

9. Selecting the amps for the front stage

10. Selecting the brain (Head Unit)

11. Calculating how much power is needed to supply enough energy to comfortable feed the amplifiers and vehicle

12. Selecting HO Alternator(s) and battery(s)

13. Selecting and determining what sound deadening materials is needed

14. Measuring distances that will be needed for wiring

15. Selecting all wires/terminals

Now this list here is VERY, VERY vague and off the top of my head ATM as I am @ work, just getting ready to leave and wanted to post this out there to see what kind of responses that I will get, or any advice rather since thats what I'm after. The reasoning for this question if anybody cares is because my system got stolen last year, and this is where I stand ATM. With NOTHING. I understand that CA is never complete. But if anybody could share a user friendly guidline for people to use when the user is starting from the ground up, that would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm not sure if this has already been discussed or not, and I'm sorry if it has, or if this entire thing is hopeless or pointless. But I am looking for honest opinions on this. If this order is A$$ backwards, then please reorder it, or just simply state or add in what you think should be rearanged.

I'm looking for input on rather this is even a valid guidline that somebody could use. After reading many threads on this site, I see a lot of new people, asking what amp they should get for this sub or that. A few posts later, ppl are asking what are their goals/equipment etc etc, and next thing you know, the OP is changing his whole setup simply because he/she was starting at square 5 instead of square 1. I hope this makes sense, and someone can share some light :D I'm looking to start building a system soon, and was just wondering if there was any guideline out there that one can use to get there sytem under way the first time the right way.

In advance, THANK YOU

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I'd say the list is pretty good. When you think about sound deadening though you need to think about how far you want to go with it. You should probably seal and deaden your doors first off, and then go ahead and deaden the rest of the vehicle. Don't go overboard though, bracing is the only thing that is going to take care of panel flex properly. You might even want to put the subwoofer in and see what needs to be deadened/braced before you go ahead and do the whole car (unless you are doing a wall).

Edit: Guess I misunderstood what you are doing. If this is your list then great, but as watts09 said everyone is going to want to start at a different spot. Choosing drivers for applications and then amplifiers is the way to go though.

Edited by ulrisa

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it's going to depend and vary on each individual. I already have my car, and some subs laying around so i start here (x). My friend may not have his car, but has an amp laying around that he wants to use. so he would start at Y. there is no set system people take to build their car that works for everyone. it's going to depend on their goals, and what they want most/first out of their system. Totally understand what you're doing, but would be hard/time consuming to make a generic list that works for everyone. But with that said i would do this.

1. Figure out what vehicle you're using

2. budget

3. what space is being used/how much fab. work will be done

4. Determine goals of the particular build

5. Post a valid, informative build topic here and get insight/tips/suggestions.

From there it's really going to change. I just read a topic the other day with people going to and fro on what to do amp/sub/power wise first. in the end if you're going to do it all, just pick something and start from there. The install of one component may change what you planned to do with another, which will change your list even more.

That's how i see it. I always just go with what i have and see what needs to be done next. Make my "list" as i go on.

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And I totally understand that. Which is why I wanted to reach out, on here (the best forum) and see what people had to say.

And also, thats why I gave the circumstance of starting from scratch. Since most people usually have one of three things,

1. Cd player

2. Amp

3. Sub

I know that the list I stated above, as well as yours, (watts09) will change under these conditions. Which is why I wanted to hypothetically create a list that I, or anybody else, could in general, follow. If the builder has 0 equipment, this could be to some help. For someone that already has a piece of the puzzle, they will probly start hoping around, so to them, this wouldn't be as much help, but would atleast point them in the right direction as to what to get/purchase next. And in the real world, I know that this might not have to much value, seeing as 90% of us buy as we go, and see new amps or subs that have cought their interest while their wer initially saving for something else. I understand that, but still, as for me personally, I am going to take a new approach and try to start from the ground up.

Again, thanks for you guys inputs!!! And if you simply have no input on the list, then simply tell me/us, where did you start your build, and why did you start there? I'm curious because I'm willing to bet that atleast 70% of people, espeically new comers, start off at -

1. Cd player

2. Amp

3. Sub

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Hmmm... lol. I started with hu, then speakers. Then I got a different car and started with a h/u and got a subwoofer and an amp. Then I got another car and used the same stuff for a while, upgraded the speakers and later upgraded the subwoofer. This was all while I was in high school though, so the budget was pretty low. After I got some money up I deadened some trouble spots in the car and sealed/deadened the doors. Then I really thought over and over about what I wanted to do for my major system upgrade. Read lots of reviews about different speakers flip flopped a million times lol and finally chose the set I have today. I already had an amp I bought on a whim that would power them nicely so I used that. Then I thought about my sub stage FOREVER, it was the hardest decision for me to go with the Xcon's or the IA DP's, and finally decided on the Xcons. I found a great deal on an IA 40.1 which I had wanted for a long time anyway and it has plenty of output for this system.

I guess I didn't take the best path but I learned so much along the way and I still have a lot to do to finish what I've started. You are right though, that is how a lot of people look at it in the beginning.

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Any body else with input?

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Everything else is a little detail.

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So then you'd agree that there is no guidline a new comer could use execpt the four steps you listed?

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Any body else care to share their thoughts or is this just a waste of a topic?

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lol... My first system was my brother's had me downs.. He had 2-10" JL W3 in a bandpass enclosure powered by a 600w Kenwood amp and some shitty old Pioneer HU with a 3 disc CD changer...

First thing I did was buy a second hand Alpine HU and purchased some old school Kenwood component set for the front and did some 6.5" Pioneer coaxials in the rear... The rears were powered off the Kenwood I still have today which is still pumping juice for my current setup...

It was loud enough for me to get a "Careless Driving" ticket in the town over from where I lived...

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wow, lol, careless driving? We have DTP here

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