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What is the benefit of buying a battery like xs over a standard car battery such as a diehard. May be a stupid question but i dont know much about elctrical so thanks to anyone who can help me out.

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lol there is no die-hard section or XS section lol

Die hard would be a starting battery and XS is a car audio battery. notice how the XS d 3100 can support a 5kwrms setup while the die hard can support a what... 1000wrms setup! also look at the rating of the xs3100 it has 115AH while the diehard has 135minutes of reserve which converts roughly to what 60ah...

so with that if i had to pick a battery to use out of those two for the use of car audio i would rather pic a XS!

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XS power or Kinetik all day.... Die-hard is a good battery for a car, but with car audio in mind it was not intended... I just linked a general this vs this article...

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Ina feww days im gonna be setting wiring up a hifonics bxi1608d so about 1600w at 1 ohm and I was hoping i could get away with just setting up the big 3 but after some more research idk if its ognna be possible. So my question is, will my stock 100 amp alternator be able to satisfy my stock batt( die hard 700 cca) along with an xs power d1200?

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We couldn't really tell you. every car is different, so you're just going to have to try it and see what your voltage does.

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But it's better to have a really good electrical than a poor one. keep a good number being sent to your amp and reduce the chances of anything blowing.

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yeahh I hear you man. I just dont have the money to buy a new alternator at the moment so I am hoping my alt will suffice for now. Thanks for the help

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Like i previously stated, I was thinkin about buying an additional batt to help out my electrical. However, Im having some trouble deciding what battery I need. Im going to be running a hifonics bxi1608d, 1600w at 1 ohm. On XS' site they describe their batteries as being able to provide "up to" a certain amount of watts. For example, the d975 can provide up to 1000w as a primary batt and 2000w as a secondary batt. So, is there any measurement to determine how many watts the batt will regularly put out or is it all dependent upon the alternator? and would you guys think that the d975 would be a large enough secondary batt to make a significant difference in my electrical? Unfortunately, I do not have to much money to spend on batteries so I was hoping to get away with spending the least amount of money possible. Thanks for the helpp

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You can try to run your system with only the starting battery. Check your voltage. You will know if you need something else.

Of course, do the big3 first.

I think it would be better to have a good AGM battery (like XS, Kinetic,Deka,...) under the hood if you want to upgrade. And then a second one in the back. Mixing batteries with different technology is not a good thing. But I'm not an expert, and don't know a lot about batteries.

I need myself to upgrade my battery. But those AGM batts are very expensive where I live.

I've read that the Deka (the group 31 one) are very good, and very cheap. Take a look at them.

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You can try to run your system with only the starting battery. Check your voltage. You will know if you need something else.

Of course, do the big3 first.

I think it would be better to have a good AGM battery (like XS, Kinetic,Deka,...) under the hood if you want to upgrade. And then a second one in the back. Mixing batteries with different technology is not a good thing. But I'm not an expert, and don't know a lot about batteries.

I need myself to upgrade my battery. But those AGM batts are very expensive where I live.

I've read that the Deka (the group 31 one) are very good, and very cheap. Take a look at them.

expert or not, that is the right recommendation if you're gonna make one. If the system is not running optimal with keeping your existing equipment after upgrade the BIG 3 wires, then it would be more proactive to change the starter battery with one more equipped to handle the load. Lok into XS Power or Kinetik, if they are "too expensive" then look into a Deka close in specs to the other 2 brands mentioned.

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I just started my big 3 yesterday and it is an unbelievable pain in the ass. Could it just be my vehicle (Infiniti i30) or is it generally a pain in the ass? Do you guys think i should have a mechanic or audio shop run the cables for me so I dont screw anything up?

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If you don't feel comfortable.. Yes.. But it shouldn't be too hard.. The alternator stud is usually visible from up top in the engine bay and just needs to make it's way over to the positive of the battery. The battery negative needs to get to a chassis mount point, pretty much anywhere that is connected to the frame or the frame itself if possible. Sand down any paint on the frame areas. That is as far I have gotten on my BIG 2... lol

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If you don't feel comfortable.. Yes.. But it shouldn't be too hard.. The alternator stud is usually visible from up top in the engine bay and just needs to make it's way over to the positive of the battery. The battery negative needs to get to a chassis mount point, pretty much anywhere that is connected to the frame or the frame itself if possible. Sand down any paint on the frame areas. That is as far I have gotten on my BIG 2... lol

LMFAO, the big two! I lauhh kuz thats what I had did to begin with mines too! Its like, ok, so this one is simple, just alt to batt, I can see that. And the the neg from the batt, to the chasis, okay, thats pretty ez, since there is already one there, and then the last one, your like, where da phuck duz dis one go??? To the frame of the engine block??? lol. I had that moment with my 96 explorer, so I can relate. But definately not worth taking it to a audio shop IMO, they'll charge you something stupid, and try and get you to buy something that sounds amazing coming fromt their mouth. Just youtube it, or google it, should be pretty str8 4ard.

Goodluck! Hope that helps. :fing34:

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Haha, the big three is quite the pain in my car. The alternator is underneath tons on stuff and the only way to loosen or tighten the bolt is to use tons of rachet extensions. The engine block ground is underneath the airbox and tons of hoses. Needless to say, if my dad wasn't a master volvo mechanic I would have been screwed lol. So no, it's not just you.

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yeahh haha why do they have to go and hide the alternator. Dumbass japanese nissan/infinit designss. Well, I guess im just gonna have to get my ass outside and get it done. I have some 2 gauge layin around that I was gonna use for the big 3. Should I wait and get some 1/0 gauge or maybe even larger? Will it improve efficiency or is it pointless after a certain gauge?

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I always say go bigger, 1/0 Is plenty big.. So you don't have tO go back and replace it all

Also a difference not sure if stated, the xs/kinetiks can be drained almost to empty without major life shorting on it.. Lead Acid batteries however will begin to last not as long,

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I always say go bigger, 1/0 Is plenty big.. So you don't have tO go back and replace it all

Also a difference not sure if stated, the xs/kinetiks can be drained almost to empty without major life shorting on it.. Lead Acid batteries however will begin to last not as long,

I assume that goes for the dekas too right. Im leaning toward an intimidator, same as you have. Theres a local shop that is listed as a dealer on the deka site and I was gonna take a ride over but i thought i should see y voltage with the big 3 before droppin 200 on a batt.

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I drive a Toyota and the alternator is hidden under lots of...things! I can't reach it easily, so I just did batt to groung, and engine block to ground( I will try engine block to batt(-) later).

I can't make alt(+) to batt (+). It's just the big 2 for me !!! but it has improved my voltage seriously.

My next step is an AGM battery : hoping to get a Stinger spv 2150 or something. What do you think about it ? Better than an Optima yellow or blue ?

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I have no experience with either battery to be honest with you. I have heard good things about the deka intimidators i mentioned before and they are more affordable than most other batts ive seen. Maybe you wanna check them out?

Also, I can just ground out my battery to any part of my chassis right? it doesnt have to be to the stock ground point?

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Yes, any part of the chassis. IMO

I don't even know where is my stock ground point !

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