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2000 F-250 7.3

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I'm looking for a lower alternator for my F250. Mine didn't come from the factory with duals, but I'm hoping to find the bracket and add it.

Also, I've noticed my alternator doesn't start charging right away. It usually takes 30sec to 1 minute or even long before I see 14+ volts. I heard this is because of the glowplugs. Do you know exactly why?

Also, I was told, I couldn't hook up a second alternator unless I got my PCM reflashed to properly supply turn on power for the alternator. But I figured I could get a new plug and tie into the original alternators wiring.

I basically need to know what to do here. I sure don't want to mess anything up.

So a quote on a lower alternator, and upper(I'll upgrade later). And maybe some explanation on how to wire everything up.

Thanks in advance.

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You are right about your suspicions on your truck. The reason you never see 14v is because it takes the stock alt that long to catch up and get the voltage up. It's charging right from startup, just not enough.. For a single alt, run an XP hands down, and add another down the road. You can get a factory dual set cheap If you can find one used, and we are also working on another kit for that as well. 7.3's don have great belt wrap, so it's kind of hard to go too crazy, but XPs will do 180-190 at at idle all day long, and that's what's most important.. Any way you want to go we have you covered, this is just one of those vehicles that XPs just excel on...

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I just figured, since I was going to run two, I'd buy a HO for my lower since I have to buy one anyways. No need to buy a stock one and then down the road buy another one.

Just think it would be better cost efficient.

I do plan on upgrade my main alt later, just think it would be better just to add one instead of replacing at the moment.

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