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need some help

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Well first I should say i have a 2002 jeep liberty (KJL v6 3.7 liter

I was reading an article on its eletrical system and found this

charging system of our KJ's is much different to ones in the past. I have been told that in an efforet to protect the PCM and other computer components in the KJ, the charging system draws from the battery FIRST and then calls on the Atl/Gen to re-plenish the battery as needed. That is why the new generation of Deep Cycle batteries work so well. They have the reserve power to allow the extra toys without needing to add the huge alt/gen of the past. As you use your lights, stereo, winches, what ever, they will be drawing from a battery that is not designed to power all that stuff. A deep cycle is designed to do that.

And was wondering

1) if you gues made an alt for my vehicle

2) if the alt overides this system

Thanks for your help

Edited by joshfi

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