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rf 1000.1bd explanation

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As the title says this will be about the older fosgate 1000.1bd. Im not sure i understand the class"BD" thing? how does that compare to a regular just class D amp? Also im going to have to double check but im almost positive the SSF on the amp at its lowest setting is only 50hz, can that hurt me at all as far as sub performance? i have a box tuned in the 33hz area. just looking for any kind of technical answer to help understand this amp better and decide if it needs to be put up in the garage and replaced lol.

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BD? what you mean class A/B

Class A/B: amplifiers remedy cross-over distortion to a great degree by combining the best features of both classes. The push-pull drivers are carefully biased just above their fully OFF state so that the transition between drivers is smoother. Therefore, each driver is never completely turned OFF. This alleviates most of the cross-over distortion at the expense of efficiency. An A/B amplifier is still more efficient (60 Ð 65%) than a Class A amplifier.


and if your Sub sonic filter has the lowest setting of 50 all the frequency under 50hz like 20,30,40, and 49hz will all be cut off!

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Class bd amps were patented by RF. its basically RFs class D amp. I dont think the ssf is set at 50hz. Probably more like 20hz. I cant find any info on this amp because I am only on my phone. Will look later.

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this isnt my exact amp, found the pic somewhere, but it is the same amp i have, notice the 50hz on the ssf?


lol, am i reading this damn thing wrong or something?

Edited by smashedz28

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ok, started getting that impression when i got a close up pic of the amp, never really looked at it that closely. should label the damn thing more clear! Thanks

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ok, started getting that impression when i got a close up pic of the amp, never really looked at it that closely. should label the damn thing more clear! Thanks

It is labeled clear especially if you have experience with sub amps just not for beginners thats all. You usually have 4-5 settings on subs amps depending on the amp: Low Pass Filter, Bass Bosst, Sub Sonic Filter, Gain and Phase.

It has 4 of the 5 on them so you can rule out Bass Boost, this is like a Kicker amp where it is just a constant sub sonic filter that is not adjustable just set at on setting. Either on at 20 something hz at a certain slope or not on at all.

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I have this one,


in the manual the infrasonic filter is selectable 12dB/Octave,-3dB@28Hz

infrasonic filter - A 28Hz High Pass filter designed to prevent frequencies below the audio range from being applied to the subwoofer from the amplifier. Consequently improving subwoofer performance and power handling, particularly in a vented enclosures.

Edited by crunkjuice1

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just never really paid attention to it before for some reason, havent really used this amp on more than 1 setup. thanks for clarifying.

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