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fi recones for diamond cm310d4

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SO my buddy just picked up 5 diamond cm310d4's but two of them need to be reconed so i got a couple of q's

1. can you guys make up the recones an ship them out or would they have to be done inhouse?

2. what does he need to give you as far as messurements? (if recone is shiped)

3.would he also have to order new baskets since his are a stamped 8 spoke?

4.what would the price be on each one? (would it be cheaper to do all 5 at once)

thanks for your help

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Probably can't do anything with them...

I've got a feeling they are probably 2" coils with Chinese tolerances...that we do not stock.

You can cut one apart and measure the top plate though if you want.

Being dead honest with you though, you could pick up the black friday 10s and have less money in brand new subs then what you are going to have in trying to recone those.

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Probably can't do anything with them...

I've got a feeling they are probably 2" coils with Chinese tolerances...that we do not stock.

You can cut one apart and measure the top plate though if you want.

Being dead honest with you though, you could pick up the black friday 10s and have less money in brand new subs then what you are going to have in trying to recone those.

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well we did cut one open last night an they are 2 1/2in coils. but he did email u guys about a week ago an asked when the sale was gonna end an how many you had left an you replied that "we have a few left an what you didnt have you would refund his money" witch he didnt wanna take the chance to order four or five an only get two. well thanks for your help an ill pass the info along to him

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Wasn't sure if he was interested in 10's or 12's.

The 10's are still up, got quite a few of those left.

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Wasn't sure if he was interested in 10's or 12's.

The 10's are still up, got quite a few of those left.

Hello im Marco, I was the one that inquired about the amount of x 10's that were still available. I wish you had said the words "quite a few" in your reply to me, because all I got was an unassured answer, if you had told me there were 3 or 4 left I would have them sitting in front of me by now, but instead I invested my money into some Diamond CM3's (back when Diamond was still worth a damn) that im looking to get reconed. Instead you talk about Chinese tolernces and what you think you may or may not know. Oh btw, here's the email to refresh you since you were'nt sure of what I WROTE in the email. I'll just take my chinese subs and my business elsewhere, looks like you dont need it with that attitude.

From: Fi Car Audio Sales <[email protected]>


I think we may have a few left. If you order it and we do not have the parts we will simply refund you. I will probably pull them off of the website today or tomorrow.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Fi Car Audio

----- Original Message -----

From: Marco

To: [email protected]

Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 8:34 AM

Subject: Black Fi Day Sale

Are you guys still doing this sale, because it's still up on your website, but someone on the SSA forum said you had no subs left. I was interested in getting 3 or 4 of the old 10 inch x models. Pleasde let me know asap, im very interested. Thanks.


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Wasn't sure if he was interested in 10's or 12's.

The 10's are still up, got quite a few of those left.

Hello im Marco, I was the one that inquired about the amount of x 10's that were still available. I wish you had said the words "quite a few" in your reply to me, because all I got was an unassured answer, if you had told me there were 3 or 4 left I would have them sitting in front of me by now, but instead I invested my money into some Diamond CM3's (back when Diamond was still worth a damn) that im looking to get reconed. Instead you talk about Chinese tolernces and what you think you may or may not know. Oh btw, here's the email to refresh you since you were'nt sure of what I WROTE in the email. I'll just take my chinese subs and my business elsewhere, looks like you dont need it with that attitude.

From: Fi Car Audio Sales <[email protected]>


I think we may have a few left. If you order it and we do not have the parts we will simply refund you. I will probably pull them off of the website today or tomorrow.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Fi Car Audio

----- Original Message -----

From: Marco

To: [email protected]

Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 8:34 AM

Subject: Black Fi Day Sale

Are you guys still doing this sale, because it's still up on your website, but someone on the SSA forum said you had no subs left. I was interested in getting 3 or 4 of the old 10 inch x models. Pleasde let me know asap, im very interested. Thanks.


LMFAO well he was being honest with you diamond audio are JUNK and take your chinese junk elsewhere if you would of just bought an Fi sub in the first place you wouldnt be stuck with a huge ass ugly paper weight :P

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