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Preasure Ticket Welding thread

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well after recovering I got offered work on Natural Gas Pipeline so I have to upgrade my Level C welding ticket to

a Level B Preasure ( 4 months ) and then I have 4- 6 weeks of Preasure Testing with the Natural Gas company....

still gonna build car audio on my spare time/weekends when I'm done school...I just can't make $200K a year building


no build logs so might show a few progress pics as I go...

pics of the shop...sorry for the blurriness...I'm using my phone for these





clamp up




root pass complete (6010) and about to tie in the hot pass (7018)


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Sweet, always loved welding. Hope ya the best ^_^

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How on earth do you keep the puddle suspended?

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Nice Trevor!!!

And good luck to ya bro!

I'm currently going for my 3G & 4G Stick Certification

(Vertical & Overhead Arc or Stick) using 7018

That pressure test looks intense!!!!

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this is welded in the flat rolled 1G position....I spin the pipe as I weld it

overhead welding is not really that dificult with the right rod....

surface tension holds the puddle in place long enought to solidify

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I learned not to over-think the welds.

But just the word TEST makes ya nervous.

Next I'll be doing HeliArc (TIG)

Trying to get all the certs I can while I'm in school.

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Nice shop, reminds me of the past. Nice welds, running hot and digging in, looks a little undercut.

Good luck man.

Damn you have me reminiscing....

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Does that have to pass X-ray?

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Nice Trevor!!!

And good luck to ya bro!

I'm currently going for my 3G & 4G Stick Certification

(Vertical & Overhead Arc or Stick) using 7018

That pressure test looks intense!!!!

it is intense.....2 hours of reading/book work each night too

we start cutting cupons and bending them in friday....

I have done LOTS of X Ray welds in the past when I was building BC Goverment Highway Bridges

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I cut and bend mine this Thursday! :woot:

As long as I pass the damn cap!!

I've been undercutting them lately during practice and it's

kinda got me nervous.

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I cut and bend mine this Thursday! :woot:

As long as I pass the damn cap!!

I've been undercutting them lately during practice and it's

kinda got me nervous.

I have never really had a problem with undercut on my caps

turn your heat down a hair and/or change the rod angle slightly...slow down a bit and let it fill

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I wish ya the best man!

I hope you get that Certification.

The money for certified welding is sweet!

Now when you get the cert and start welding in the field

I bet that's gonna be some cold work up there in Canada!

Is that all going to be under or above ground?

Mine's all either rooftop, shop, or indoors b/c it's for Sheet metal.

(mine just has to hold air and low pressure water)

Yours can actually go BOOM!

I'd love to move up there for work.

Our scale tops out at 27.25 an hour.....

200K is way more appealing!!!!!

Kick that pipe's ass!!!!! :fing34:

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the spring,summer and fall here is really nice working weather..it isn't that bad

I have worked with this company before ...some members of my family have been employed

with them since the late 1970's .........I have a good 10 years experience working with natural

gas line as a welders helper,plastic fuser and a labourer

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When would you have to go for a re-certification?

Mine is every 6 months to run a bead.

My cert is good in US, Canada and some parts of Europe.

I'd just have to pass the "in house" exam/test

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When would you have to go for a re-certification?

Mine is every 6 months to run a bead.

My cert is good in US, Canada and some parts of Europe.

I'd just have to pass the "in house" exam/test

I'm in a Red Seal Apprentership trade...level c (already done)...Level B...(doing now) and level a comes next

a Red Seal ticket is good anywhere

...you need to test for the Canadian Welding Beareu every 2 years for the ticket as long as you are working

(for each position and process)..and if you do not work for 2 months you need a retest to be certified

the Natural Gas Distribution preasure ticket is totally seperate..this ticket requiers testing 3 or 4 times a year

I beleive

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Holy cow!

3 or 4 times a year!

On the other hand if you know your stuff,

it should be a walk in the park to re-test.

I'm trying to soak up all the knowledge I can to get certified for every

ticket that my Union offers.

There are a lot of power plants that are going to be built in the coming years,

and I'd love to lock up that work to keep food on the table for as long as I can.

So far I'm in the top 5 of my class.

Keeping my nose in the books and practicing whenever I get a chance to strike an arc.

I love welding! It's fun!

Hot work.......but FUN!!

I only have class 2 nights a week.

So most of my practice is done at my Dad's on a piece of sh** welder....Ha Ha

At school we mainly have Lincoln welders and I like those much better.

Miller seems to always have issues in our shops and the local reps

always want an arm and a leg to repair them.

However these Lincoln's weld like champs!

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So far I'm in the top 5 of my class.

Keeping my nose in the books and practicing whenever I get a chance to strike an arc.

I love welding! It's fun!

Hot work.......but FUN!!

keep it up....good grades in welding means alot...specially if you are really good in the Practical end

I had a bit of a head start being a welders helper on the pipeline...completely kicked ass in Level C and made the Deans List

that little peice of paper is the most valuable page in my resume

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Hey thumper i understand you've been extremely busy. I was just wondering if you did custom enclosure designs for sale? I would love to get one similar to the 2 15" xcon's in the Dodge Dakota X-cab. Completely custom for my own car, my idea is much like that box. Or if you have any designers you know that could help me out i'd much appreciate it. Thanks

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Hey thumper i understand you've been extremely busy. I was just wondering if you did custom enclosure designs for sale? I would love to get one similar to the 2 15" xcon's in the Dodge Dakota X-cab. Completely custom for my own car, my idea is much like that box. Or if you have any designers you know that could help me out i'd much appreciate it. Thanks

at the moment I have all my spare time spent reading and studdying for school...not a cake walk like Level C was ( my brain hurts..LOL)

I have talked about this with my wife and the best thing for our family is to put everything into my welding career

with the amount of $$$ I will be earning with this preasure ticket I doubt I'll be getting back into selling designs or enclosures ever again.....

it will have to be back at the hobby level....my builds will be limited to myself and friends after I have that preasure ticket in my hands

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No problem man.. I only wish the best or you and your family and congrats on the future paycheck you will hopefully be getting ! =) $$$$$$ !

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I actually never really made any money building enclosures...with the Canadian prices of materials and the time put in

combined with all the money I had to dish out from after the fact billing from shipping on the enclosures I sent to the US

profit was pretty well nothing...to the point that all the fun was taken out of it

plus car audio in Canada is pretty much dead.....

saddly it's a starving industry with min wage income at best..not worth my time anymore

I will always have beats in my ride but as far as taking on others projects I'm officially throwing in the towel...

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sounds like the right decision. good luck to ya.

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I actually never really made any money building enclosures...with the Canadian prices of materials and the time put in

combined with all the money I had to dish out from after the fact billing from shipping on the enclosures I sent to the US

profit was pretty well nothing...to the point that all the fun was taken out of it

plus car audio in Canada is pretty much dead.....

saddly it's a starving industry with min wage income at best..not worth my time anymore

I will always have beats in my ride but as far as taking on others projects I'm officially throwing in the towel...

Move to the US Thumpper!

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^x2 !

^x3 !

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I doubt I'll leave Canada...I have full Medical/Dental coverage thru my Union and I have enough welding work ahead to

last untill I retire...but....

I think I am going to find myself 2 or 3 people with decent rides and the cash to build some sick comp systems to

work with .....poundthatsound.com will most likely turn into a competition stats/picture site for the select few

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