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stupid question for nick.

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so i only ask this because i saw this and i have all ways been told to run both coils at all times. but they are saying using one of the two coils just means you can just run half the power to the sub and its no harm no foul. they also said that you can use the second coil with a potentiomoter for a variable QTS system.

i would like your thoughts on this, and i thank you for taking time out of your day to answer me.

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Sure you can technically do that.

Only problem is you are completely losing the motor force from the other coil in the gap, and it is just dead mass.

You can short 1 coil and make it variably Qts..however with a true DVC sub that is not the way to do it. When we do something like that we wind a 4ohm and a 2ohm coil on the same former. Given you the option to run the amp at 4ohms and short the 2ohm coil shifting the Qts. It will be an option with our HT brand here shortly.

Your RMS figures drop in 1/2 though..as you are only using 1/2 of the wire.

I wouldn't suggest doing it to a sub that it is not designed for.

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thats a bought what i thought, thanks for your time nick.

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Rdo: resistively dampened operation... its a lot of fun, back from the atlas days it didn't catch on quickly, but some normal dvc woofers work well in an Rdo setup, such as the jl w7 sealed. The potentiometer just let's you vary the QTS very delicately, makes for a lot of room for "soundplay"

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