Well im getting closer and closer with more boxes arriving at my door. So far i have my... Fi Bl 10" Fully Loaded my Sundown Audio SAE-1200D V.2 and some Mb Quart PVI 216 Components. getting pretty excited and thanks for all of you who chimed in and helped with the sub and amp questions. all i need is my custom box to be made. (im gonna try to make my own and ill def post pictures. as well as ask questions about that so help will be needed. haha) need to buy lots of 0 gauge wire for my big 3 and for other parts of the installation of course. need to get some second skin or dynamat or whatever i find better when the time comes. as well as maybe some components or just some normal speakers for the rear. here are some pics of what i got so far! Thanks for looking! Ill try to update as fast as i can on everything!