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Can someone please help me with an enclosure?

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I want to try to do my first DIY subwoofer for home theater. I've heard some folks say that the SSD or Q series model well for home theater? Which driver would be best.....and what size enclosure (I can build a slot ported box) for home theater use? I would like to be able to go low....but still use for music. Edit: This will be an 18" build......



Edited by Christopher Nutting

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It looks like the Q will dig deeper than the SSD will, but its a pretty marginal difference IMO. if you can spare the space, I would say 10 cubes is a great box size for HT use, tuned to 20-22 hertz or so. If you have google sketchup, I can send you a design that will work excellently for an 18" Q or SSD in a HT setup...

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It looks like the Q will dig deeper than the SSD will, but its a pretty marginal difference IMO. if you can spare the space, I would say 10 cubes is a great box size for HT use, tuned to 20-22 hertz or so. If you have google sketchup, I can send you a design that will work excellently for an 18" Q or SSD in a HT setup...

^Sounds about right, but I'd tune lower since you want this for movies as well. Say ~15-20hz range

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Thanks guys....I would prob want it down around 18-20 with an 18" SSD. Do you think you could send me the sketchup for google? Thanks!

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