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My routine after cancer help with cutting after a bulk

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Are you using any pre or post work out supps for aid in recovery? I rest more between heavy sets to allow for better recovery. I have found that stretching my between set breaks to aid in recovery. I basically get 6 days recovery time and have no issue with that amount of downtime. I also feel like I could go sooner, but just based on principle I do not. I too try to keep it at 1 hour or less for my workouts.

I found that the trumass immediately following the workout coupled with the shakes right before bed and immediately upon waking has helped. Also, a cinnamon and honey brew right after the shakes has helped. I make a cup of hot water and steep a teaspoon of cinnamon in it for 1/2 hour before bed. Then stir in local unpasteurized honey (pasteurization or adding the honey to hot water kills the benefits of it). Drink 1/2 cup before bed and put the other 1/2 cup in the fridge for the morning and drink it cold right after my shake. Cinnamon cleanses the body real well, allowing for better filtering and quicker recovery times. It will take a couple weeks, but it works. You will also drop a few pounds.

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I may give that a shot. Pre work out I usually follow the KISS and make sure I have a light meal. Usually banana and a shake.

Post work out I have dextrose and protein right after a work out, and then another protein shake an hour or so later. I may just take more time to recover. I sleep poorly, sometimes and that could be half the problem. I'm not really sure. If you feel you can get in more work outs, heck try it. Go for the split like this

m - chest

t - back

w - off

t - legs

f - chest

S - off

S - off

And see if it tickles you. I can't keep it up for longer than 3 months or so. If I added in more creatine or other stuff I could probably increase my loads or my frequency but I'm just not ready for that right now. Since I've been sick I can't lift so well. I get cramps and other issues in my guts and it's not work it. I'm just trying to loose weight through eating less now.

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As I'm a crazy slacker now and fat as hell I probably shouldn't say what does and doesn't work, but I get excited.

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