I was just wondering. How much or what differnce does the volt rating of a HU make? I know the higher the volt that comes out of the HU, the louder the music plays. But I will like to get a professional response out of this. I.E. If I had an ideal system, lets say one 5-channel amp with all aftermarket speakers and sub. Will the system sound louder if I had an HU with 5v rating, or one with an 8v rating? I'm assuming that the quality build of the HU overall will make the difference at the end. Because with personnal experience, I had an Eclipse HU, that was made in 99 or maybe 98 lol, but the volt rating was 5, thats why I picked it up, but later installed an sony HU, that would allow me to play my ipod, but only had a rating of 2v, and it was made in ~05 and it sounded louder with all the other equipment not changed. Thanks