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Sound Deadening?

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So now that I have a little bit of extra money I want to put this in to sound deadening. First up is I want is that I want to do the door panels. So what I need is the CLD tiles right? After that I notice the install Aaron did in the SSA Mazda I want something like that I want it to block of road noise and make the car drive like a luxury car. So can anyone guide me in the right direction that i need to make my car quieter?

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Don from SDS.... Message him goals ... He will basically tell you all you need...

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Don from SDS.... Message him goals ... He will basically tell you all you need...

yup but only enough for what you need and not a cent more. :)

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x10 on Don from SDS, his stuff works very well and isn't overpriced.

I went down to secondskinaudio the other day since they moved to my town. I was planning on buying some damplifier (big cld tile) and when I saw it, It's super thin compared to Don's cld tiles, I then looked at their damplifier pro and it was thicker then the damplifier but not as thick and Don's and after doing the math it was also pricier. Luckily they had some problem at their buildhouse and had a bunch of sheets that were thicker then the damplifier pro and they sold it to me for the price of the damplifier :P

But I got lucky, so unless they run into another problem at their build house I'll be buying again from SDS for my future needs.

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Don is a cool guy, he does tell people ways to stop panels and such from vibrating.. but, to stop things from flexing you have to go a different route.

To control vibration w/ sound deadener


To control flex w/ sound deadener


I've talked to people about Don and his ways and thinking multiple layers is a waste.. it's only a waste when you want to stop vibrations. If you need to stop flex, and stiffen a panel with sound deadener, covering a little piece of the panel isn't going to work.

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That is still a waste because you are using the wrong materials for it. Steel beams would work a hell of a lot better.

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That is still a waste because you are using the wrong materials for it.

Was getting ready to say the exact same thing.

You want bracing to reduce panel flexing, not CLD.

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if you do not want to physically brace your vehicle, you can also build a "void" and completely seal it in front of the area that needs flex control...

However, the funny thing is both options will destroy the integrity of the vehicle so you might as well choose the first option and go right to the source.

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