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15" BL Fully Loaded Help

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I currently have two kicker CVX 12" subs running off a powerbass asa 1500.1Dx, which is 1.5krms at 1 ohm. I want to go to a fi bl 15 fully loaded, but i dont want it to be much quieter than my cvx's. Which do you guys think would be better in terms of SQ, SPL, and just generallly shaking the car? Also, what do you guys think of the amp? everyone online says they make rated power, but a local dealer in town says it makes no where near rated.

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a single BL 15 will slay your 2 cvx 12's if in the correct enclosure

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a single BL 15 will slay your 2 cvx 12's if in the correct enclosure


good choice. i went from kickers to Fi and haven't looked back

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Just added the 4" coil option to the 12", 15", and 18" BLs. This bumps standard power handling up to the 1500W range. Addition of cooling and flatwind will push things further to around 2000W.



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So them should I just get the 4 inch coil with that amp? What about flat wind. . . How much more spl is that? And what do you guys think of that amp

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