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Thinking of downgrading....

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Well I was originally going to do SPL comps but I haven't been to one in two years and I figure it may be time to move on....

So I figure, should I keep my 15 or sell it? I am thinking of doing a different build - from 1 15 to 4 10" woofers.. Not too sure what kind yet but probably Fi bls (or maybe qs) and strap one amp to them for now and if I want to upgrade it I have the electrical for it (3 bats in the trunk and a 350 amp) strap a bigger, or another amp on.

But heres my question mainly - how will having more cone space but less power do? Will it be just as brutal if I tune low or will I be missing out a lot?

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You have the same power on a single 15, as you would on 4-10s? If thats what your saying I wouldnt call that a downgrade by any means. I would imagine with pure cone area its still going to be nasty with the same power you were using. What exactly do you mean by downgrade? Your saying having the ability to add more power you have a solid electrical and your talking about adding cone area........ :WTFBubble: I dont get how your trying to downgrade?

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i think your confused.

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Maby the 15 is a funky pup

Please explain this funky pup.... :peepwall:

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Haha.. the "downgrade" was a play on words. I think it will be more sick than the 15 I have now but I am just curious how much more sick.... I need to upgrade one more bat (under my hood) and still do the big three.. I mean if I can sell my amp now and buy 4 10s and an amp and keep it under 1500 I may be able to do it. I would like to try and do around 3k power for all three (maybe 4k if the price isn't too much). I was thinking about BLs but those are like 350 shipped so thats 1400 minus what I could get for my system (I am hoping for around 1200) and that leaves about 1100 for a new amp...

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Very true... I could do the SSD instead of the BLs (even though I dont think their output is nearly as good but not 100% on that, anybody else know?) and do a sealed box because they only need .4 (.62 with displacement) and that would = about a 2.73 cuFt box.. Right now I have a 3.5 and have enough room for about a 4.25 box with amps and bats... Or I dont HAVE to go with fi...

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