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LED's connected to Amp outputs?

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leds work with both AC and DC, it doesn't matter. They are a diode, they light up when forward biased. They are forward biased about half the time with an AC input.

And yes, you could put a bunch in series and add up the voltage drop. You use the dropping resistor if you don't have enough in series...

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dammit 95honda, lol i was all sorts of giddy when i though of the resistor idea, and then kept reading all the other posts and u already posted it lol.

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Alright! And doing this won't cause a short? I mean, without a resistor in, i'm basically just connecting the positive output of my amp to the negative output of my amp, right? How does that not create a short? Maybe i'm just nervous because that's why i had to get my saz-3000d fixed in the first place; i accidently caused a short of the speaker wires on the terminal box. thank-god Chris over at db-r is a nice chap.

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No, it isn't a short, there is voltage drop across the device. But one single led connected to the output will be smoked in no time, you will almost cetainly exceed the voltage rating of the led. This is why you need to using a dropping resistor or multiple leds.

Do yourself a favor, don't hook up anything to the amp terminals without at least a 1-2 ohm resistor is series with it. This way, no matter what you do or screw up, your amp will never see anything it can't handle....

If you completely understand what is gong on here, feel free to hook a bunch of leds up inseries directly to the output, it will work just fine....

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okay now i understand!!! Thanks 95 honda. you da man :phatyo:

I'll do some trials next week and let you guys know the results! hopefully with some video camera action :hsughexile:

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Interesting read. Looking forward to some results!

same! if all turns out maybe i will get an El-cheap little amp and do the same trick lol

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