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Xtant 121m + SSA DCON = match?

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Anyone here ever pair an old Xtant 121m with a DCON? I've got this setup, and I know I can go much louder if I like, but then the bass overtakes everything else. Then again, my door speakers are whatever crap Nissan puts in their stock Rogues, and are probably not strong enough to properly pair with the sub. It just feels like my old MTX 4500 and the MTX monoblock hit harder. Not more accurately, just harder. Perhaps it is also the car's fault. I drove a 2003 RAV4 (much smaller than current RAV4s), and now I drive a Rogue, which is bigger than my RAV. The box is the same ... perhaps SLIGHTLY too big for the optimal volume required, but not by much.

I like to ramble.

And I know perfectly well that my DCON would rip the MTX to pieces if I wanted it to, but the sound would be so unbalanced. The plan originally was to buy new door speakers, but according to crutchfield, the volume of my front door limits the speakers I can use by a LOT. I never could decide what I wanted, and my Sundown SAX 50.4 is sitting brand new in its box for a year now. AGGH!

Oh yeah, Xtant 121m. It's pretty :D

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The 121M is barely a 250w amp. If you don't clip the gain, your DCON will be fine on it.

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It is a classic amp. Plenty of power for a Dcon. Maybe try a new box for the Dcon.

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