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12" Nightshade v2 on saz-3000 @ .5 ohms

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Well some peeps sent me up a nightshade to play with (Thanks Travis and Eric!!) well on with my results thus far.

Box is my standard "scrapy" box, 2.7 cu ft with one 6" aero tuned to about 39 hz where my car peaks at 42 hz.

Car is a 1997 Chevy Cavalier z24

I have 1 yellow top battery under hood and one kinetic in the trunk.

the results are:

dB drag: 148.3

bass race: 147.3

Midwest spl: 149.5, 149.3 on video

Usaci: 150.6

Street beat: 149.2

Now i have an saz-3500 to throw on it, we will see how far this jumps

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Woww!!! great scores bro! good job :morepower1:

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where is the port shooting? into the tire well?

also have you tested with the box spun around shooting into the cabin and seats down? (sealed off of course)

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Good job, I want some Nightshades, hopefully next year. 'bout to order a pair of SA15s for now though. :woot:

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where is the port shooting? into the tire well?

also have you tested with the box spun around shooting into the cabin and seats down? (sealed off of course)

sub forward usually gains about .1 or so, off an on, it sounds better facing back. plus i was hung over when doing tests so i didnt want to do any heavy lifting, lol. but no, i will probly never seal the trunk off.

port fires to driver side

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hung over! story of my life! lol!

but congrats on your score! also how warm does the sub get when you burp it? not at all? i would think being at 1/2 ohm and all the power you are tossing at that little guy it would get warm!

and 0.1 gain by spinning the box is pretty cool!

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@CrazyKenKid. You can pick up tenth's for moving stuff in the car. Seats,visors, and ect. Most cars can pick up 5 tenths just by moving stuff around.

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Nice numbers for a trunk setup!

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