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fished 2010 Camry build log

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Damn that Q can move

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as soon as i have ~$600 for an alt, new car = hell for getting a alt for the car. i was close to having the money then things happened, stupid traffic laws.

I can understand $600 for an alt if you are only running one cheap starting battery. I just paid less than $400 from DC Power for a 180amp alt. Our vehicles have similar wattage requirements. I could barely, I mean barely, get by with this alt and one good starter battery. For good measure 3500 watts plus 180 alt plus 2 XS Power D3400 = decent electrical. But that is another +$500 in battery cost :ohnoes9:

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yes it can, it's a great SQ sub. want to try and make a trunk wall and give my sub some more room to play.

they said they would haft to costume make me a an alt, car is to new and i would also haft to send them a OEM unit to get mounting info. my alt also has a new wire that the older alts do not have.

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I would do it.....didnt buy a SAZ-3000D for nothing!

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I would do it.....didnt buy a SAZ-3000D for nothing!

i got it for 550 shipped and insured, and to have power if i needed it later on. its only @2 ohms right now and my voltage is ok for now, at night with lights on i haft to keep it down at 42 vs 45 during the day. electrical upgrades will come when they can. so unless you want to pay me for remote tech support, tuneup of your desktop or laptop, or need work in the area done it will haft to wait tell i can afford it.

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i need that in for the kill song :greddy2:

if you pm me i can give it to you.

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got a new toy. 75ft of fun at a great price, got it during there black friday sale, any one else pick any up? i will say it is a lot heaver then the CCA wire thats in my car now.



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having toolmaker make me another one so i can have one for pos and one for neg.

and a little wire review as well, Kolossus Fleks Kable 1/0 is very easy to get in the holes, it stays together well, strips well. the KCA Kable 1/0 Ultra Fleks bends well, easy to strip, it frays like hell tho witch can make it a bitch to get into connectors.


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so hears my thought(s), i want to run 2 runs of wire for + and - 1 is my old CCA wire the other is my new OFC, i was thinking the load would just be blaalenced over the two and the OFC would take the over head if i ever ran that much power. CCA (250 amps) the OFC (375 amps) so 625 amps total and my max draw ATM is 300 + 60 = 360 amps total theritacl draw. i am hopeing this will help with voltage drop.

so my main question is would my system care if i mix and match CCA and OFC? and any other thoughts you may have on this.

thank you for your time.

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got some new toys. thanks to my SS Eric.




Edited by gcs8

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so i went to play in the snow, dident make it far, maybe 5ft. but my subs moved some snow. all windows up.


knocked some snow off the van next to me.


lots of snow, well for Atlanta.



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Got my SA-15 finally, I will do a small 2 part review of it compared to my FI Q 15". I know it's like comparing apples to fish but it's a good reference in my mind. The SA is not as hefty as my Q but still solidly built, it's not as stiff as the Q but my Q has the extra spider so again not fair. Sounds pretty good free air for right now, staying cool as cold metal even after ~45 min of nonstop playing and tones / sweeps. Side note during sweeps and tones some things fell off my desk and apartment raddled a good bit.

Packaging was good, came with a tested on date written in sharpie date was 4/4/11 got hear while I was at work. Has nice cooling compared to older models with the new cooling ring, as well the magnet boot looks good and not cheap.

Anyway on to pics.





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Well I beat on it for ~4 hours today. I have mixed feelings about it, but still like it.

so I woke up went out side with some tools and one eye open, swapped my Q for the SA, forgot how heavy the Q was... you can one arm the SA though, made me feel like less of a scronny geek.

Played with it a lot last night free airing it inside this hollow foot rest I use to hold subs while I test them to let them breath, any way off topic there. Spent the first hour or so running it through the bass mekanik 5.0, got a little smelly for about 10 min then it was fine after that. It took ~1600 watts pretty well for a 600 rms sub.

As far as sound quality goes I would call the SA "the budget / scaled down Q". But this is biased on my setup with only changing the sub's out, leavening everything the same. You can really tell the difference from my Q that has the added spider and the control that add's, but you could push on the cones of each and find that out. The SA sounds a bit "sloppy" on fast kick drums, but that could be the box or the aero ports or the fact that I have ~2.5 times the RMS power on it or the media I was using. does very well with heavy bass, though it sounds / feels like it plays higher up in the Hz range compared to the Q. fun sidefect of the swap though is that I have bass at lower vol as opposed to the Q witch didn't really seem to kick in until I was 2/3+ of the way up in my set vol range, which is nice. More flex in my car now as well which is fun for a wow factor, I still need to go hit the TL again see where it's peaking and what numbers it will put up. I also want to try inverting it to give it some extra room and see how that goes, need to check spacing to see if it is even possible. All in all I give it a 8.7 of 10 all around, More later.

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